Example sentences of "[det] [noun] be [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Reflection on ( 61 ) reveals that the ordinal adjective first implies that there were none before that time : the meaning of this sentence is therefore that " no one had ever dared insult me before " .
2 The most important finding from this study was simply that drivers were able to comfortably give ratings of subjective risk .
3 The explanation for this effect is presumably that the very early events in the cascade of memory formation involve electrical activity within the neurons and that the immediate shock disrupts this process ; by the time the delayed shock is given , however , the cascade is already past this phase , and is no longer vulnerable .
4 The more usual version of this theme is simply that one has a visual image of the part of the body touched .
5 The reason for this difference is probably that the one wishes to justify cuts in welfare expenditure whereas the other is aiming for more direct state control of industry .
6 But the empirical evidence for this claim is only that the facts can be read consistently with it .
7 One reason why women are under-represented in this area is undoubtedly that the sociology of deviance has , until recently , concentrated specifically on criminal behaviour .
8 ( Institute of Public Relations [ IPR ] ) The essential features of this definition are firstly that PR practice should be deliberate , planned and sustained — not haphazard ( like responding to say accidental pollution of a river ) .
9 The lesson that emerges from this affair is surely that more than ever before , there is a pressing need for complete openness and accountability when restoration work is undertaken .
10 We have the greatest chance ever to rid the world of nuclear weapons now , yet the consensus in this country is apparently that we need to maintain three Trident systems and possibly build a fourth at a total cost of more than £23 billion .
11 The point of doing all this pre-planning is so that when you come to align columns across the page or to set text next to pictures everything snaps together neatly .
12 ‘ Neither was I. The reason I intend to keep my stake in this house is so that Kirsty and I can use it when we come up to Scotland . ’
13 Now why I mean do you think it matters that these things are so that these things are so , that these things which we thought were in , you know private to you , and not available to other people so easily , why do you think it matters that they actually are apparently in return for mo payment , are available to anyone ?
14 How many items were there that centred on curriculum content and administration matters and how many focussed on individuals ?
15 Er and the proposal that I shall report is the and in particular those matter our certainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm it arose obviously are much more widespread than in the past week , but er I was granted in fact to give consideration to this result of the parish meeting , conventional routine parish meeting at Barnham er on the fourth of January erm which led to the largest parish meetings I think they 've had in many years erm when because people were incensed with the suffering and the hardship that they had as a result of the flooding on the night of Thursday the thirtieth of December erm should let me say first of all that erm I would congratulate all those who were involved er in dealing with the present emergency operations erm it 's quite superb , it 's erm it seemed to be erm a remarkable reflection on the capacity er that to deal with certain circumstances reflects very well on this authority and in saying that I mean it 's not just the opposites to the men and women who are involved , but also whereas I 'm sure many members are here that members amongst our numbers have putting on very long hours in dealing with the present circumstances and I congratulate on the activities .
16 Basically that argument was simply that the country could not afford to go on expanding non-productive sectors such as social services .
17 Firstly , nobody , but nobody would want to levy charges until it was a last resort , but if the alternative to levying those charges were perhaps that we had to cut the staffing levels in those adult training centres , then you get a different answer to the question , and I had a meeting about four weeks ago with the heads of some of our centres who 've been asking parents and carers that question .
18 I am bound to say My Lords that my own view is still that the size within the limits laid down by statute with a minimum of sixteen or eighteen and maximum of twenty-four would best be determined locally and if we 're not going in for a national police force , I still ca n't see what it has to do with the Secretary of State and why the Home Office should be settling the size of forty-three or so police authorities .
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