Example sentences of "[vb pp] be [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The holes drilled are for light weight — and they are just that .
2 But size and numbers of fish caught are of little importance at Scourie .
3 To a certain extent this bias is rectified in the snowball samples as those interviewed were in various stages of involvement in heroin use and thus show a greater degree of variation in terms of both their social and heroin career profiles .
4 He 'd have enjoyed being on this trip with us today , you know . ’
5 The picture thus sketched is in strong contrast to the popular view of housewives as a leisured class .
6 One possibility being considered is for solar power to be used to pump downstream water back up to the main reservoir , so restoring the head of water needed to generate hydro-electric power .
7 The extent to which this should be viewed as a utilitarian calculus of some kind , or whether a more dignitarian approach should be pursued is of considerable importance .
8 The model recommended is in four parts .
9 The difference is that his compound is a nanocomposite — the crystals from which it is made are between two nanometres ( two millionths of a millimetre ) and ten nanometres across .
10 Loco workings have now slumped to nearly zero and the only locos seen are on civil engineers ' trains .
11 The buildings which these adorned were in large part of timber and terracotta , but they were true Doric temples like those in stone .
12 The only way in which these late pouch excisions are likely to be minimised is by greater care in patient selection , particularly the identification of Crohn 's disease .
13 The address they have selected is in that envelope .
14 Whether the UK 's proposal will be accepted is in some doubt , not least because it has failed to engender the support of other Member States .
15 It will be seen that this explanation does not touch the question of whether what is sought is in any sense ‘ evidence ’ .
16 His analysis of doctrines as expressions of the religious consciousness leaves a fair measure of uncertainty whether what is said is in any sense true about God , or only about our understanding of God .
17 The sentences were enlarged as much as possible , but sizeable gaps were left between each sentence so that the temptation to interpret contiguous sentences as meaningfully related was to some extent avoided .
18 The MPs said the only firing they had done was on two US teenagers — children of Panama Canal Commission employees .
19 There was no equivalent of the ATB in Norway — the nearest approach seen was at Lien College where there was a low trainee to instructor ratio and a considerable practical input .
20 But our crowded islands were as vulnerable as Japan 's had been to atomic attack , and there appeared to be no sure defence against it .
21 yeah , erm yeah it was different erm with it only being role play it was a bit erm difficult to keep up with it sometimes and actually keep it going like , erm if it was the real life situation outside right you 'd know that the person you were talking to had more had been through that situation before
22 The percentages shown are for all Cambridge University/WEA Tutorial Classes which included some arranged beyond the Eastern District , e.g. Nuneaton and Rugby .
23 Prices shown are for double rooms .
24 The only special preparation needed is for euryalid species , the thickened skin covering the arm spines must be dissolved using bleach ( sodium hypochlorite ) or KOH .
25 can be produced is through mental tension being translated into muscle tension , especially in the muscles of the neck , jaw and head .
26 Most of the information I 've got is about residential homes and that is because Social Work Services Group is an awful lot better at pulling together statistics and putting them out again than the Scottish Home and Health Department .
27 And the only bit of damp I 've got is in one corner of the house but it came from a blocked erm pipe .
28 All that was needed was for one kind of film to do well at the box-office and a new Hollywood format would be established .
29 Much of the cider produced was for local consumption , with farmers bringing in their cartloads of apples for processing .
30 Those that are employed are on low wages ; the majority are unemployed .
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