Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] i [verb] get " in BNC.

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1 I 'm well educated and I 've got two children and I can manage pretty well , there 's a number of much more essential things that I know how to do , but I ca n't do those ones , and when they come up I feel like weeping myself sick . "
2 eighty nine thousand , I need another go round and another thousand pound and I 've won because I 've got me two thingybobs
3 The time 's come when I 've got to make a change .
4 ‘ Because it was felt that I had got to know you two a bit yesterday .
5 ‘ Mr Wexford , I 've heard all you 've said and I 've got to believe it .
6 Well you see that , that that 's one of reasons why we 're all sitting doing it cos Terry 's just said and I 've got an environment thing , now that does n't mean it 's wrong .
7 He was handicapped and I 've got a handicapped son : I ca n't stand people who take the mickey out of those sort of people .
8 Always plenty of room I ca n't be bothered cos I 've got to give Foxy his shorts
9 I 've been told when I do get settled into my new home , maybe that I 'll be able to have Darren home once a month .
10 I have eaten and I 've got to get back .
11 Right O K yeah that 's the other major erm feature is that agriculture 's share of world trade has declined and manufacturing er share of world trade has increased and I 've got some er some numbers here erm so it says before the first world war agriculture 's share of world trade was over fifty percent , today it is less than fourteen percent okay , so agriculture 's share in world trade is declining and has been declining er essentially over the the last sort of seventy years or so .
12 I was appointed and I 've got the job . ’
13 Today , leafing through the hundreds of cards from well-wishers , Lucy , 69 , brushed off her bravery : ‘ My legs have gone and I have got to get on with it . ’
14 Last night Mr Roseberry said : ‘ I was hit as I tried to get into the pub .
15 After the original hearing Jones said : ‘ The decision has been taken and I want to get it over with .
16 But Mum 's reply had been , ‘ I 'll see what I 've got left when I 've got the grub in . ’
17 I mean before you used to have your own , your own , like the job I 'm , I was started for I 've got sweep all the floor , the place where we work .
18 but I , I 'd never get them done , and I mean I 'd fed Matthew and I shouted down and I said look you 'll have to come and get him dressed cos I 've got dinners to put up yet
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