Example sentences of "[vb past] to [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 We always referred to them as those ladies of the stage .
2 So , there 's something given , that entitles feedback I was giving you then , some people referred to it as this .
3 It never occurred to me at all .
4 ‘ To tell you the truth it never occurred to me until this minute .
5 He appealed to her in several languages , including German .
6 Contemporary audiences would have understood that the film appealed to them on that level but were also aware that the tragedy of the film consisted of an ordinary innocent American being hounded by external events and being forced into failure and crime .
7 The attempt in the Treaty to reorganize the Balkans as a stable structure of national states appealed to them for this reason .
8 Later that afternoon he came to me with some of my translations from the index cards .
9 And long after Dana had left me , I still thought of him every day , and from time to time wrote poems about him , like this one which came to me after several viewings of a film that greatly disturbed and fascinated me , Pasolini 's Teorema :
10 An ambitious reclamation scheme on the south coast also came to nothing around this time .
11 And if somebody came to you with those sorts of things , you 'd think to yourself , it ca n't just go on , and gradually just build up and build up .
12 Hywel seemed to her like some hapless creature in a story , spellbound by despair , made powerless by circumstance , trapped by a ruthless magic without even the faery consolation of glamour , the illusion of delight .
13 I thought he had been right , and that what happened to me on that oily beach was all I was fit for .
14 In I think it happened to me to some extent .
15 And er whatever happened to them after that er .
16 And what happened to him after that ?
17 Now a day 's residue is some association which relates the manifest content usually to what happened to you that day , and often i they 're very oft it 's often that the day 's residue is built into the manifest dream , so it 's quite obvious , you had this dream because of something that happened to you on that day .
18 I needed some comfort after the election result so I turned to it for some like-minded thought .
19 They let me have one last look and told me that it belonged to someone in another band — which made me feel really guilty .
20 As he bowed to me in that tight state , I almost believe I saw creases come into the white of his eyes .
21 your wife is over there , do n't you talked to her like that
22 I talked to them for half an hour on maximum range and fuel economy .
23 His teaching after the resurrection , when " beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself " , was the climax of what he had been teaching them through the years of his ministry .
24 " Beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself . "
25 Only when his first movement unleashed the pounding headache bequeathed to him by half a bottle of the college 's specially shipped port did he begin to regret the decision .
26 Wexford took in the looks that passed to her from each of her visitors , her mother 's merely solicitous , Pertwee 's indicative of deep affection , Bardsley 's shifty , while the thwarted bride leaned forward , stuck out her chin and nodded her utter committed partisanship .
27 The great boulevards led to him from all directions , bringing the homage of a loyal and overawed population — who could assemble in the oval-shaped square thoughtfully provided for a quarter of a million of them .
28 The kerygma of the early Church , contained in that outline , amounted to something like this :
29 He was late yesterday , got a brand new vehicle and , yet I mean if , if was getting here at one and yesterday he got to ours at half past eleven , so erm , it was half past eleven that 's right , it was dead on , so erm , erm whatever 's he going to be like when it gets near to Christmas ?
30 A deep lump seemed to fill Laura'a throat as the little blonde girls clung to her for some minutes .
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