Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now he was on his third circuit of the Bay : he 'd been ducking under bulldozers for almost an hour .
2 They would all be returning to town in the autumn to meet some sons of good families in Riba ; she 'd been saving for years , money from the pigeons , money from the cheeses , the almonds , her mother 's money when she died — may she rest in peace and perpetual light shine on her — she 'd hidden it from that villainous landlord who 'd strip everyone of their surplus if he knew how much they 'd hoarded , but they 'd never find out , the folk were far too tight to let anyone know , and he , Davide , must not breathe a word .
3 ‘ I gather she 'd been looking into drugs a few weeks back and then into child porn .
4 He 'd been hoping for windows , and a view over the bay or the town .
5 But it was n't like I 'd imagined — except for the long silences when I 'd been hoping for laughs .
6 ‘ I 'd been expecting for ages to hear you two were getting engaged .
7 He 'd been sparing with words : it hurt to talk .
8 She 'd been drinking with friends .
9 And if you read the scriptures , you 'll discover those where er he , you know er he was with Paul on one occasion , and er he 'd been eating with Gentiles and er then some Jews came up who believed that eating with er non-Jews even though they were followers of Jesus was wrong .
10 It was her nail scissors that she 'd been searching for days , lost under the hearthrug and pressing into her hip ; and the cry was also her virginity , small and bewildered and gone .
11 The rational part of his mind knew this could not be the case , and that it was most likely he 'd been travelling in circles .
12 He 'd been driving for days , he 'd forgotten how many , and he was tired of the white lines painted down the middle of the highway , he was tired to the centre of his bones .
13 Gran had been muttering about storms for days and she liked her to stay close at these times .
14 He scored another victory recently when the Labour Party abolished the unions ' block vote in the leadership elections , something he had been advocating for ages .
15 Long 's health had been deteriorating for years , but he had kept open his channels of communication ; like Law his influence was based on years of devotion to the interests of the party , and like Law 's that influence had been used to argue the case for coalition .
16 When Tom told his grandmother he was moving out of her house and confessed — because since the accident he had also stopped lying , could not be bothered with prevarication — that he had been busking at stations , she told him she was horrified , she was disappointed in him .
17 We had been looking for tasks that were :
18 The maypole committee , of which Amos was president , had been looking for ways of raising funds for the May weekend and old folks ' treat ( of which more later ) , the most important weekend in the lives of the villagers .
19 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
20 Borough councillors heard yesterday that 1992 is Car Crime Prevention Year and officers had been looking at ways of getting the message across .
21 I had been looking through Situations Vacant in the local newspaper : ‘ Secretarial assistance required …
22 Then , towards the end of January , people noticed that at least one boar was coming right up to the village in its nighttime foraging : there were tracks in the snow and patches of scratched earth where it had been digging for roots .
23 The government had been thinking about ways for the administration to maintain some degree of control over the colonies since the mid-1650s ; in 1675 Charles set up the first organization to establish any record of continuity , a sign that his possessions overseas were settling down into some sort of discernible order .
24 The former concept had a crucial historical advantage at the birth of mechanics ; Western thinkers approaching things as materials which stay put until the craftsman or builder reaches for them , would not have started trying to measure how the inert is moved by external forces if they had been thinking in terms of inherently active ch'i .
25 Ianthe , who had been thinking in terms of daffodils and lemon barley water , had not seen herself being so practical .
26 They first told police they had been hunting for foxes .
27 She woke early on the morning of July 29 , 1981 which is not surprising as her room overlooked the Mall where the singing , chattering crowds had been gathering for days .
28 She had been intending for days to make a start on clearing out the cloakroom ; now was the moment — she would make a preliminary survey , set aside what should be kept , see if there was anything good enough for Oxfam .
29 For months they had been trying with divets and tackle to hoist the appropriate two-ton stone upright and into its hole .
30 The ancient Egyptians had been trying for centuries to prevent the export of their sacred felines .
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