Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] to [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We got transferred to another old council house , it was very damp , but it was a new start , and I decided that if he wanted some responsibility , OK the tenancy could be in his name .
2 Mrs Aboud — she and her husband were both Israeli citizens — seemed resigned to this gradual destruction of the little mixed society around their home .
3 The best years of his mind he 'd sacrificed to this godforsaken place and precious little did he have to show for it .
4 The first meeting place was a small room in Fetter Lane in 1840 which became known to some interested people who took a house in Red Lion Square where some destitute deaf men and women were lodged and taught trades .
5 Neither Catherine the Great 's Commission on Popular Schools of 1782 nor the education statutes of 1804 and 1828 nor the foundation of elementary schools by the Ministry of State Properties and the Holy Synod had succeeded to any great extent in promoting the cause of peasant literacy .
6 But Pascoe had come to this broken-down hotel in these bleak streets already guessing that Charlie probably was n't Zeno .
7 No-one had come to these dead caverns in centuries .
8 Recently the Georgian Supreme Soviet had responded to this increasing violence by voting to make the carrying of firearms by the general public illegal , and had given the population until the end of February to surrender weapons .
9 When , in January , 1988 , Prince Edward enlisted in Lloyd Webber 's Really Useful Company , in the humble role of general factotum , with the improbable public assurances that he would be treated " no differently from anybody else " , it seemed not only an oblique confirmation of royal patronage , but that Lloyd Webber himself had ascended to some peculiar level of hierarchy where he was able to employ princes as tea-boys .
10 It had occurred to some popular frontists that rearmament as an instrument of social control could cut both ways .
11 Egbert Rose had talked to many bereaved ladies ; he talked to them quietly , straightforwardly , compassionately .
12 Lord Fulgor Sagramoso had escaped to that insignificant mining world apparently known as Antro .
13 Somewhere between the time when they had fallen into an exhausted sleep and when she had woken to this grey dawn , all the joy and magic of what they had shared had faded , and she had been overcome by doubts .
14 In the seventeenth century Russia and the Ottoman empire had seemed to many European observers not altogether dissimilar ; and of the two the latter appeared until the 1680s or 1690s clearly the more powerful .
15 They also insisted that Kuwaiti machinations against Iraq ( started during the Iraqi-Iranian war ) such as violations of quotas for oil production , reduction of oil prices and the pumping of oil from the Rumeila Oil fields ( in disputed territory ) — all carried out with American backing — had led to this current conflict .
16 The bad weather and shortage of building work had led to this unseasonal appearance , the morris traditionally being performed at Whitsun .
17 In the ensuing raid by our officers , who had been tipped off about the smuggling run , a pitched battle between our men and the smugglers had led to several amusing incidents , related to us by local officers .
18 So he had gone to that other place where , so Mrs Parvis said , red and orange fires burned day and night , so hot that glass and brick and even solid rock melted to liquid .
19 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
20 She had fled to this new life on the headland and to a different solitude .
21 Instead , she had toadied to these ghastly , grasping women in glittering hats , women who themselves seemed to have forgotten that they had husbands and families .
22 One nineteenth century account of him reads : ‘ Strong minded but very illiterate … he made all his calculations by the strength of his memory , and was equally at a loss to explain what he had conceived to any other person , and from being lowly educated he had no means of conveying to paper his designs , yet would cast up the most intricate accounts in his head without difficulty or error . ’
23 Sydney Newman wanted an extension of the ‘ kitchen sink ’ drama approach he had evolved to such critical acclaim with Armchair Theatre , one production with which Verity Lambert was well acquainted .
24 Each woman remained attached to some male contractor , according to the older organic and hierarchical pattern . ’
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