Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the more common Manhattan experiences of the early 1980s involved being approached by well-dressed individuals and asked to sign a petition helping the NAP get on the ballot in the name of democracy , and then being hit for a contribution .
2 It also helped being married to bleached-blonde ball-busting pop star Madonna .
3 The antechamber which he entered was filled with silent N'pani .
4 She even managed to convince the man that she 'd been sent by Roman to inspect the goods .
5 For part of the trip in a flat bed truck they 'd been acompanied by armed guards , but no-one had told them why .
6 Did you know he 'd been convicted of drunken driving ?
7 Tommaso had not come back at Ascension , though some others who 'd been called to military service at the same time walked into town one afternoon .
8 Mina said Gustav said she 'd been killed by Allied planes .
9 A factory worker has been describing how he tried in vain to save a colleague who 'd been overcome by toxic fumes .
10 Although he 'd been kept in secure accommodation 3 times in his life , he was now in a stable relationship with a new foster mother .
11 The fifty nine year old singer who 'd been dogged by ill health died at his home in Arbroath on Monday .
12 Well I mo moved because promotion was in the line for me , I was in the Royal Marine Police in island depot in Plymouth and er I 'd been put on plain clothes work and I 'd been doing acting sergeant you know when the sergeant was off sick and all that business and er I 'd put , been put in for this to move because we had a two bedroom bungalow but the twins were getting big and I realized that we 'd have to have another bedroom you know , very soon and er , this seemed an opportunity to get a house and also in Plymouth , that Plymouth was a naval town , you see , there was still those days there was still kind of a , a lower deck of sons , what they call lower deckers , in other words you know people in the lower deck of the navy , their sons did n't really have much , ever have much chance of getting into places like Dartmouth College or Cramwell to do as cadets , well the headmaster at Regent Street School had said to me that Keith was very keen on flying , he was aeroplane mad you see , and , he wanted to go in the Royal Air Force , well he said to me he said oh no put him in the Navy and as a chief art as an artificer , so I said oh no , I said if he goes in the Navy or the service I want him to go in the front door not like me the back door , I had ambition for him
13 The first was some eight years ago when he 'd been accused of shoddy workmanship on a car which had been involved in a crash two days after he 'd MOTed it .
14 Oliffe 's job , according to his defence , was to fatten up animals over the winter , and this was the first time he 'd been accused of ill-treating animals .
15 Oxford Crown Court heard today that she 'd been subjected to repeated indecent assaults by her mother 's ex-boyfriend at their home in the Wantage area between 1985 and 1987 .
16 Even now , of course , her mother would deny that she 'd been driven by physical needs — she still insisted on living the lie that hers had been a love-story doomed to disaster .
17 That is , 5% ( June ) and 4% ( November ) of all pupils surveyed were deemed by experienced and knowledgeable staff to be ‘ real ’ truants .
18 I have suggested that they were limited in their appeal because the changes they opposed were confined to doctrinal issues .
19 Most of the ‘ congregation ’ [ he said it in such a way that it merited being put in inverted commas ] do not know how to behave , when to stand or kneel , how to express their grief .
20 The problem which arose when Richard 's army arrived was caused by Tancred 's withholding of a dowry promised to Richard 's sister Joan — as well as the small matter of a legacy left by William II to Henry , who had been his father-in-law .
21 This continent seems to have been created by Augustus Le Plongeon for his 1896 novel Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphynx , which he claimed was based on original Mayan writings — which writings , of course , just happened to be unavailable to other scholars .
22 Indeed , in the 1970s , the theoretical influence of Jean Ricardou , who was aligned to both movements , extended even to the actual fiction produced by Robbe-Grillet and Claude Simon at that stage , and several of the concepts he formulated were regurgitated in critical interventions by these writers .
23 Not all the rooms he discovered were filled with strange objects .
24 Each item he retrieved was examined with great care , and he took the opportunity to do some elementary housekeeping by discarding unwanted minutiae of his life .
25 The NY-5 loved being tuned to dropped D , settled more than happily into DADGAD , and did n't even have a problem coping with a low C on the bottom string in conjunction with a heavy plastic thumbpick .
26 The relatively small number of women employed were concentrated on unskilled manual , shop and office work , and could command rates less than half those of men in the same occupational groups .
27 Whatever task he undertook was tackled with single-minded determination .
28 Sometimes brick tracery was used , sometimes the small quantity of stone needed was found for important buildings .
29 In many Third World countries national liberation movements which failed to create effective political parties were either taken over by military elites or else the governments which they formed were overthrown by military coups .
30 It was without a speck of dirt or grime , the old wooden floors white with constant scrubbing ; the pallets on which the sick lay were furnished with coarse but spotlessly clean linen .
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