Example sentences of "[coord] one that [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the answer may be , it is certain that we are dealing with an extremely strange reaction here , and one that might repay much greater attention .
2 It is a perspective that Freeman in his criticism of Mead totally failed to appreciate , and one that might have reduced the savagery of his attack .
3 In fact , it was a correct judgement and one that would remain valid for the rest of Williams 's life .
4 The policy and resources committee would have subcommittees looking at finance , staffing and land , and one that would review and monitor spending programmes to see that they were achieving results economically — a performance and review subcommittee .
5 Working among books was , on the face of it , a ladylike occupation , Mrs Broome had thought , and one that would bring her daughter into contact with a refined , intellectual type of person .
6 Thus , while a Luxembourger , an Irishman , a Dutchman or a Belgian may see a European superstate as giving them a much larger stage on which to perform and one that would cost them nothing in sovereignty since what they have is already so diluted , to us it would mean the end of that independence which has allowed us to play a unique and continuing role in world affairs and to have this Gracious Speech setting out our parliamentary programme .
7 But this time there would be a complete novelty , and one that would have given the most strongly anti-Marian pause .
8 Despite the humour , which was lapped up by an appreciative crowd , it was a sad spectacle and one that must have left her regretting her comments , when asked about her chances at Wimbledon .
9 This is a very powerful tool , and one that can cut out many hours of frustration as you alter cells by hand , save files and print results .
10 The issue of theatrical performance is an important one , and one that will appear again in the next chapter .
11 All in all a most intriguing debut and one that will stay long in the mind .
12 The location of control over television is of crucial importance , and one that will become increasingly so in the volatile arena of broadcasting — terrestrial and satellite — in the next few years .
13 Becoming a man in his father 's mould offers the boy an identity for the future , and one that will receive encouragement from family friends and relatives .
14 Eurosatellite , an industrial consortium based in Munich , is building the French satellite , plus two others — one for West Germany and one that will act as a ‘ spare ’ in orbit for the first two .
15 An ERM with fully integrated capital markets , and now without the glue of stabilising expectations of that sort , is anything but ‘ tried and tested ’ : it is a new experiment , and one that could go badly wrong .
16 This represented a great step forward in the services available from the co-operative and one that could have significance for advisory services in this country — particularly in remote areas .
17 It is an important experiment and one that could play a key role in securing public approval , or disapproval , for genetic engineering .
18 This is important because it is directly relevant to understanding the mechanism of a type of eruption not yet observed at first hand by any human being , but one that would make the Mt Pelee eruption pale into insignificance if an example were to occur today .
19 Having arrived at some form of equilibrium , Bukharin was concerned that this should not be equilibrium with ‘ negative indications ’ , but one that would have mobile growth without cataclysmic consequences .
20 Tail arched and bristled This is the signal of a defensive cat , but one that may attack if provoked further .
21 Not a defence that could stop thousands of missiles , but one that might deal with a few terror weapons lobbed around the planet by third-world undesirables .
22 Galway will still go in as underdogs — an unusual position for them — but one that should suit them down to the ground .
23 THE Southern Hemisphere drive , outlined in our Laws Low-Down feature on page 28 , to make the game more spectator-friendly is a laudable goal — but one that could change the game for the worse .
24 Still prefers to work by himself — a trait of which he is aware , but one that could make him retreat into a bubble when he most needs help .
25 ‘ There is a market in Russia ’ concluded Fraser — ‘ one frustratingly stifled by the lack of foreign currency , but one that could yield results in the long term . ’
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