Example sentences of "[coord] could be [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He could not identify the Fairy Topic , either , and this gave him a not uncommon sensation of his own huge ignorance , a grey mist , in which floated or could be discerned odd glimpses of solid objects , odd bits of glitter of domes or shadows of roofs in the gloom .
2 As Turbosoft were not a limited liability company , the proprietors are personally liable for the losses and could be made bankrupt .
3 An increase in motoring costs would also bring revenue to the government , and could be made acceptable by being earmarked for corresponding improvements to public transport .
4 Under the new law those found guilty of racial discrimination or incitement to racial hatred or violence would face heavier fines , imprisonment and could be declared ineligible for public office ; it became an offence to contest the existence of Nazi concentration camps , gas chambers and other evidence of crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War .
5 This section does no more than restate the common law position and could be considered superfluous .
6 Cost comparisons showed that a subsea project to handle 50,000 barrels of oil a day might cost £21 million to develop by conventional means but could be built onshore and towed to the location for £17 million .
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