Example sentences of "[coord] just [subord] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
2 With setts that I watch regularly , I usually talk to myself in a low , quiet voice as I arrive and just before I leave .
3 I obviously love to see Leeds win , and just because I 've predicted a draw , that does not mean I do not think Leeds are capable of winning .
4 Crilly reminds me that I 'm American too , and just because I know a few words of British slang , I should n't be getting airs about myself .
5 He sits there looking like John Knox being unimpressed by Mary Stuart , and just as I think he 'll never let me increase my overdraft he says , ‘ Aye , life 's not easy for a woman alone with no head for business .
6 Now , as I say , it 's been a fairly full account , but just before I put er , er , the motion to you , are there any points , or questions you 'd like to raise No , well , thank you very much .
7 Not because I think I want to look young but just because I like to go to bed early . ’
8 Not in any special order but just as I remember them .
9 On the one hand there 's Little Liz , and on the other there 's Lovebite ; but just as I think I 've made a decision , the image of Lord Lane comes into my mind and I get all confused again .
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