Example sentences of "[coord] were not to be " in BNC.

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1 The Elector Counts could not have done otherwise even if they had wanted ; the people demanded it , and were not to be denied .
2 In this process , battles did little to help either side achieve its military aim , and were not to be an important part of the strategies pursued by the two main protagonists in the Hundred Years War .
3 The fires of her fury against him , long buried , had risen up , and were not to be contained .
4 Commissioners were accordingly appointed to make perambulations in the forests of Devon and Surrey : they were to be returned into the Chancery before Christmas , but were not to be put into effect until the officers of the central administration had had an opportunity of comparing them with the earlier perambulations of Edward I 's time .
5 They built manyattas , but were not to be found in them ; they were Potemkin manyattas , the real ones flourishing in inaccessible places .
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