Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is entitled To Choose or to Lose and it proclaims a strategy ‘ developed against the background of the desire to solve or gain control of environmental problems within the duration of one generation ’ .
2 Since these extremists had been principally responsible for the detailed organisation of the march it is not surprising that there were no serious plans to control it , or to ensure that it went off peacefully .
3 Despite the fact that homoeopathy has now been around for close on two hundred years , very little research has been carried out either to attempt to understand how it works , or to prove that it does work .
4 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
5 We talked for many weeks , and gradually he genuinely came to see my point of view and to agree that it made sense .
6 This is a great pity ; the battle between these two paradigms , that of Galton and that of Binet , is a very real one , and to pretend that it does not exist , and that there is no evidence against the paradigm adopted here , is disingenuous .
7 Man himself has to decide on the nature of ‘ goodness ’ , and to accept that it has to be found within the life on earth as it actually is .
8 The emphasis was now to be increasingly on service , given to and paid for by the state , which assumed the right to appoint its commanders ( this was made easier by the fact that all accepted the state 's money for service in war ) and to demand that it got the best available in return for its money .
9 Mr Ashdown reaffirmed his willingness to be flexible and to compromise if it came to negotiating with a minority government of either hue .
10 In 1987 the Department of the Environment set up a national review of homelessness to look at the implementation of the law relating to homelessness and to consider whether it needed changing .
11 As an analytical philosopher Honderich is keen to explore the logic of Conservatism and to demonstrate that it has none , but at the same time he engages with the history of Conservative ideas .
12 And to ask whether it affects the landlord qua landlord or the tenant qua tenant is an exercise which begs the question …
13 There is a wish to see a move from residential care to home care and , and home help and community based care , but to see that it 's done in an orderly fashion which does n't destabilize the market that 's out there , and does n't put at risk the care of elderly people who are already using those existing homes .
14 The main aim of the present book is to discuss the theory of psychoanalysis as such ; not to sociologize about it , but to see if it has a contribution to make to sociology itself .
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