Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or rather it is proved — by sleight of hand ; for if the little scene is not momentous , how did it come to be framed , in all its sparsity , by so much white paper ?
2 This minimum is the optimum ; expenditure above or below it is deemed wasteful for society as a whole ( de Nevers , 1981 ) .
3 Once again , the best way to open the sequence is to establish the location with a wide shot which shows the character of the setting : maybe it 's one of those idyllic places which the crowds have not yet discovered , or perhaps it is crammed with people and overlooked by tourist hotels .
4 Or so it is hoped .
5 The capital of Finnish Lappland is Rovaniemi , home of Father Christmas — or so it is said — and a town that easily overcomes the embarrassment of having everything but the airport lying south of the Arctic Circle .
6 The stories originate from Terra , the birthplace of mankind , or so it is said .
7 ( Although in Trob the last word in fact became ‘ a thing which may happen but once in the usable lifetime of a canoe hollowed diligently by axe and fire from the tallest diamondwood tree that grows in the noted diamondwood forests on the lower slopes of Mount Awayawa , home of the firegods or so it is said . ’ ) .
8 Hitachi Ltd and Toshiba Corp say they will step up their production of 4M-bit memory chips shortly in response to recovery in the US market : Hitachi intends to boost monthly output by July to 8m from the current 7.5m and as it is near capacity will have to get more of them from Goldstar Co ; Toshiba said it would raise monthly output to between 6m and 7m by September from the 5m or so it is doing right now .
9 Or so it is reported .
10 One of the advantages of this approach , or so it is claimed , is that it enables governments to pursue policies based upon consent and voluntary cooperation and thereby to avoid both the ‘ law of the jungle ’ ( monetarism ) and the ‘ jungle of the law ’ ( statutory incomes policies ) .
11 It should be whether or not it is addressing the defined needs of a group of people .
12 It is not made clear whether or not it is intended to be exhaustive .
13 Within the Ophioplinthacinae the characters used to distinguish the genera are the shape and position of the radial shields , the shape of the disk whether or not it is indented and the form and number of both the apical and oral papillae , the arrangement of the adoral and oral shields and the degree of development of the dorsal arm plates .
14 When you feel anger welling up within you , ask yourself whether or not it is justified .
15 It is an entirely different question whether the Marxist concept of the state as the necessary product of the division of society into classes ( which is also sufficient to produce it ) is itself adequate , irrespective of whether or not it is incorporated into an evolutionist scheme .
16 The House of Lords was , no doubt , influenced by the fact that the effects of a decision can be exactly the same whether or not it is made in exercise of a statutory power .
17 Such perception is always practical , whether or not it is followed by theoretical reasoning .
18 In the first place , it seems to me that the switching of price labels on the article is in itself an assumption of one of the rights of the owner , whether or not it is accompanied by some other act such as removing the article from the shelf and placing it in a basket or trolley .
19 Gene action is controlled at the level of transcription , and whether a gene is on or off is whether or not it is transcribed .
20 Weapon is given a wide definition under section 2 of the Canadian Criminal Code and includes ‘ anything that is designed to be used as a weapon or anything that a person uses or intends to use as a weapon , whether or not it is designed to be used as a weapon . ’
21 The algal spores are airborne and blanketweed will colonise any suitable pool , irrespective of whether or not it is planted .
22 whether or not it is considered by the system to be interactive .
23 This arises from the essence of this type of system which is that patients can go anywhere for treatment , and their home authority must pay for such treatment , whether or not it is considered necessary for that particular patient , whether or not that type of treatment figures in the local priorities , and whether or not there are ‘ more deserving ’ cases within the authority .
24 Fifth , class action suits mean that a shareholder with just one share can sue on behalf of the entire body of shareholders and , finally , the widely misused Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act allows any firm that has been charged with fraud more than three times in the previous few years , whether or not it is found guilty , to be perceived as a corrupt organisation and therefore liable for triple damages .
25 None the less , all countries have some form , whether or not it is spelled out and consistent .
26 Every company , whether or not it is required to file annual accounts , must deliver to the Registrar successive returns in the prescribed form made up to its ‘ return date , ’ i.e .
27 Availability is less meaningful as a measure of performance since it is not possible to be sure the plant would be available to produce full load unless it is actually in operation , which proves whether or not it is working satisfactorily .
28 The social value attached to a salient feature — in particular , if it is part of a stereotype — may be important in determining whether or not it is accommodated to .
29 Qualities such as the physical condition of the member of the opposite sex , the resources it holds and the extent to which it bears characters that have been subject to sexual selection can all affect whether or not it is chosen ( see Halliday , 1983 ) .
30 The direction specifically requires ( in para 4 ) that each report should state on the face of it the name of the party on whose behalf the expert has given the report , the date on which it is given ( of course that can be avoided by the use of an indexed bundle ) , and whether or not it is agreed by the other parties .
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