Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 what would count as high , medium or low with respect to each criterion , and
2 In reality , of course , most schools lie somewhere along a continuum between these two stylised camps , often shifting in one direction or another with changes in personnel and circumstances .
3 This also provides a method of categorising new driving protocols as central or peripheral with respect to risk .
4 True four-wheel drive vehicles or those with time for a 30-kilometre trek could have probably made it , but we , having neither time nor lockable differentials , carried on across the edge of Mývatnsöræfi , a huge featureless desert of lava and ash fields .
5 Let me systematically reconstruct the implications of Benjamin 's analysis : ( 1 ) A cultural text can be auratic or nonauratic with respect to ( a ) the object depicted , ( b ) the means by which it is depicted , and ( c ) whether or not the text itself is mechanically ( or electronically ) reproduced .
6 Modern Fisherian models make no firm predictions because runaway evolution can occur whether preferred traits are initially costly , beneficial or neutral with respect to natural selection .
7 Mainly produced in South America , a good quality corned beef is delicious served cold with pickles or hot with potatoes in a hash .
8 What counts as better or worse with respect to scientific theories will vary from individual to individual or from community to community .
9 The effect of task difficulty in terms of whether a purely lateralised effect or a bilateral effect ( symmetrical or asymmetrical with respect to the two hands ) is observed thus appears to depend upon the nature of the two competing tasks .
10 Jimmy Cook was also back in familiar territory , quietly amiable as ever , pulling on the moustache and whispering that he would n't mind another year or two with Somerset after all .
11 The lower parts of the walls were generally panelled or veneered with slabs of marble in white and colours .
12 Copies , each numbered and complete with certificate of authenticity , are available for £11.50 inc p&p , from the South Donegal Railway Restoration Society , .
13 They were rifled and sighted , and complete with tools for charging and repair .
14 The place was busy and alive with noise from the stables , forges and outhouses built against the wall .
15 fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away , then there were two currant buns left on the tray , two currant buns in the baker 's shop fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away
16 fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away , then there were two currant buns left on the tray , two currant buns in the baker 's shop fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away
17 two currant buns in the baker 's shop fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away
18 Working-class and middle-class women are satisfied and dissatisfied with housework in equal numbers : different patterns of response to a particular interview question are interesting , but do not affect this basic conclusion .
19 He spoke movingly of his time in the trenches in the First War and of how a whole generation , many of them his friends , had been wiped out , of the effect that the unemployment of the 1930s had on his political thinking , of how being Prime Minister was less demanding than being an ordinary Minister , of ( and this with tears in his eyes ) his devotion to his late wife , who had fallen dead of a heart attack close to where we were sitting , of his belief in God .
20 In the service sector the reverse relationship appeared to obtain , and this with respect to both forms of temporary labour .
21 Such modes of explanation are illustrated and distinguished with reference to various experimental studies , which provide an indication of when the different modes of explanation are understood by children .
22 The ground they stood on was dry and cushiony with centuries of yew-needles , nothing grew there .
23 Picking my way over the cobbles , slimy and damp with centuries of hiding from the sun , I reached the musty room where I collected my raincoat from the attendant .
24 In a similar way , for homosexuals to organise as a group involves their coming to terms with themselves in the context of a society which has certain views as to what is " normal " and proper with respect to sexual behaviour .
25 The titty girl on page 3 's midriff was stained and transparent with grease from the fish and chips .
26 In its latest expedition , an improved vehicle took thousands of still shots and 23 hours of videotape of the Hamilton and the Scourge , both about 20 metres long and top-heavy with cannon for more fire power .
27 Control rests neither with the whole nor with isolated parts Each level is constrained by those above it and autonomous with respect to those below .
28 The attractive lively girl , affectionate and easy with Bert after their weekend away together , presumably alone , did not convince Alice .
29 My cooking for friends and family is really cheap , cheerful and quick with things like wholemeal spaghetti .
30 The design was complicated , with a serpentine pattern of dark blue and white with touches of black , and whoever was knitting it had completed only a few inches of ribbed welt .
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