Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is no transport on the island , and to walk in perfect quiet along the little narrow roads , discovering wayside temples and little shrines ; meet a crowd of smiling , noisy children coming out of school ; or to go back to the quayside where fish , vegetables , cheap jewellery , sunglasses , cooked food , hot snacks were all being sold in the open air ; all this was a blissful change from the hectic atmosphere of the city .
2 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
3 be ready to make informed guesses , and to correct themselves in the light of additional information , eg by reading ahead or looking back in the text ;
4 As the last of the boys arrived I thought that maybe I could just make my way to the back of the queue , or sprint back to the changing room on one pretext or another and conveniently lose my place in the line .
5 Other options open to the council include reducing the opening hours of all libraries or cutting back on the money it pends on books .
6 They may have been open-fronted , the borders of the open seam being either fastened together or pinned back at the breast , again with brooches and pins .
7 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
8 Pilots have complained that airlines force them to work long hours , new jets are being grounded or sent back to the manufacturers for modification , and the government has been attacked for a series of embarrassing lapses at major airports .
9 ‘ Are you going to stay here or go back to the Villa Fiesole ? ’
10 Artists know that this has happened , but much of the art establishment has n't caught up with events , or looked back at the past in the light of that .
11 Stay out here or go back into the classroom , she did n't want to be found out there if by any chance Miss Graining the Head came by .
12 ‘ I would hope if sufficient parents support me they will either postpone the tests until Easter , by which time the children will have some idea of what it is like , or go back to the previous system .
13 Every culture , however imperfectly and blindly , either turned towards the light or fell back into the darkness .
14 Should they not be picked up , the paddlers made for a second rendezvous ( phase five ) further offshore or headed back to the beach to lie up for the following night , when the submarine would come to a different rendezvous .
15 Taxing the benefit , and introducing tighter medical checks will also , says the Government , force many to find jobs or sign back on the dole .
16 Sometimes the actors went back up to their dressing-rooms for an hour at a stretch while she and Geoffrey stood in for them , posing languidly at the fireplace or leaning back on the settee , twirling empty wine glasses .
17 However , there is an attempt to set up a message desk , where if your phone , at the moment , switchboard will put calls through to you , if you do n't answer by a certain number of rings , it will either divert to another number or come back to the switchboard .
18 He would linger on those delivery trips and stay for dinner or tea or come back via the Talbot , the pub across the road , although he was under age .
19 Each year straw equivalent to 3.6 million tonnes of coal is wasted , usually burnt in the field or ploughed back into the ground .
20 Owen drew breath and plunged back to the little group , still hemmed into a few yards of the pathway .
21 I 'm crying a bit as I try and stick the pieces together , but I ca n't do it so I just leave them on the floor and sit back in the chair .
22 ‘ That should give Mait pause for thought , ’ he muttered , straightening and stepping back into the cemetery to retrieve his umbrella .
23 The data can then be analysed or altered and placed back in the database .
24 Not only was she a founder of Playschool , and responsible for commissioning Postman Pat , Bertha the Big Machine and Charlie Chalk for the BBC ; but when Playschool came under threat she formed her own independent production company to make — and sell back to the BBC — a modern replacement for it : the current Playdays ( first known as Playbus ) .
25 Now , this is not an Oxford cartoon either , but it 's a looting soldier , and very much , I think , underlines what people felt about soldiers around the place , and to go back to the overcrowding , erm the great problem was that constantly not only soldiers , but a great many other people , court officials , court servants , barbers , whoever , erm all had to found accommodation , and because St Aldate 's was so near the court , a great many of them were of course connected with the court , they had some high ranking ones .
26 This central role for private property has a long history in European thought and goes back to the eighteenth-century notion of the social contract .
27 Howard escapes from the hospital and goes back to the scene of the robbery where everything is strangely familiar .
28 She turns and goes back to the house .
29 She loses interest and goes back to the television .
30 If there are no more loans to be entered , the user presses the RETURN key and goes back to the options list .
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