Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A few minutes later he 's explaining that he recently left his agent at the powerful Creative Artists Agency so that , unlike almost everyone else in Hollywood , he would n't have to hand over ten per cent of everything he earned .
2 ‘ That was before the shrimp dish reached the dining-room ’ , said Milsom , revealing that he already knew a great deal about the evening .
3 The compelling analysis of this anecdote is then shown to have important implications for the reading of some familiar literary text , revealing that it too shares in the cultural presumptions critically uncovered in the anecdote .
4 The idea of going out to the suburb with the dog track , and confronting the confusions and embarrassments of his past life with the formidable armoury of maturity and understanding that he now possesses , appears suddenly very sweet .
5 ‘ There 'll be a bit off for luck ? ’ he asked , proving that he still retained some of the guile he had picked up as a practising country lawyer .
6 ( You will have noticed , I trust , that there is no mention of my walking stick and my gloves in this kiosk episode , thus proving that I certainly do not need to use them .
7 Burns and Stalker ( 1961 ) offer us a more sophisticated version of this approach by suggesting that we also need to take into account the context within which different types of organisations operate .
8 Furthermore , the symptoms of even full-blown affective psychosis and schizophrenia overlap considerably , suggesting that they simply represent different ways in which a common tendency to insanity can manifest itself .
9 Although clay crystals theoretically could store the same prodigious quantities of information as DNA or laser discs can , nobody is suggesting that they ever did .
10 If other Victorian novelists do not set fire to their great houses with as much frequency as Dickens , they tend in other ways to undermine them , suggesting that they too perceive them , not merely as fabrics , but as expressions of an outmoded system .
11 In limiting the concept of social representations to these sons of phenomena , Moscovici is denying that social representations can be found in all societies , and suggesting that they only emerge under certain social conditions .
12 While I am not suggesting that you immediately dismantle an arrangement of flowers , perhaps after a day or two you could carefully remove a leaf or two , and a few flowers .
13 However , serious doubt has been cast on the methodology used to collect this data on extra costs , suggesting that it grossly underestimates the true costs .
14 Unsurprising , perhaps , but in a country that for 40 years has acted like a poodle it is striking to find a Japanese suggesting that it now has the strength of a rottweiler .
15 Why , only a couple of weeks ago you were saying you hoped they would n't even meet at the Family Day ; now you 're suggesting that she actually goes and stays where he works .
16 ‘ A most convenient baby , this , ’ he remarked lightly , ‘ seeing that she never cries , or does anything to provoke her parents — whatever they do to her . ’
17 She felt guilty , but she could say with a clear conscience that her business was so demanding that she hardly had time to think of Northumberland although , in truth , as her successes and problems in Italy had increased , there seemed less and less reason to return to Nora .
18 ‘ What are you waiting for ? ’ hissed Cardiff , tearing the tie loose from his collar , realising that he still had the automatic in his other hand but had been unable to use it again .
19 The extension of the offence to include obtaining possession or control will have the result that if Kilham , although pretending that he only wanted to borrow the horse , had in fact intended to deprive the owner permanently , he would be guilty under the clause , because he obtained possession of the horse .
20 We reject outdated notions of national sovereignty , believing that they now stand in the way of common action to deal with the scourges of disease and hunger , the deterioration of the Earth 's environment and the continuing dangers of the post-Cold War world .
21 What man is n't susceptible to a beautiful woman , believing that she both graces the Earth and helps to civilize it .
22 Perdita , covering the bottom of the lorries with straw to protect the ponies ' feet , suddenly heard Alejandro shouting that she better dig out a pair of clean breeches and polish her boots , as she 'd be playing in the match that afternoon .
23 Resist him and keep remembering that he only wants you to further his ambitions …
24 Would Mr Lawson then have resisted the temptation to trundle round his Cabinet colleagues , showing off his muscles and boasting that he alone had faced up to the Iron Lady and won ?
25 This included legislation and other measures allowing young men to evade conscription or ordering that they only serve in their home republic , and moves by individual republics to set up their own military detachments .
26 He turned my face to his and kissed them away — overpowering me with such a potent mixture of excitement and tenderness and yearning that I almost swooned .
27 Are you regretting that you ever brought me back to life , Pygmalion ?
28 Fretting that he still had not written to Liza , he proved to be a difficult patient in more ways than one .
29 For example , a clause that states that the firm may act as principal or agent may be interpreted as defining the firm 's duties , excluding liability for breach of duty in the event that it should act as principal , or disclosing that it sometimes acts as principal .
30 I mentioned it to Dr McKenzie this morning , adding that I nonetheless feel perfectly well .
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