Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] there [be] not " in BNC.

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1 It is worth noting that there are not a few cases where constructions containing postverbal adjectives are equivalent to different structures having the same subject and the same adjectival and verbal properties , but with the former now in ordinary predicative position and the latter replaced by an adverb : ( 61 ) Mario seemed regretful Mario was apparently regretful ( 62 ) the sharks remain dangerous the sharks are still dangerous This is exactly what could have been expected , given structure ( 47 ) .
2 This might lead us to conclude that in the case where taxes can not bear the additional charges resulting from depreciation accounting ( which is another way of saying that there is not the political will to impose them ) , in order to retain control of the charge to revenue accounts , the existing system will remain .
3 Lord Tyrrell , the former diplomat , who became BBFC President in 1935 , notoriously declared that ‘ we may take pride in observing that there is not a single film showing in London today which deals with any of the burning questions of the day . ’
4 Firstly , just by supplying paradigm instances of high and low art , he has gone no way towards showing that there is not an area of genuine indeterminacy in between .
5 Althusser 's entire , and necessary , critique of the ‘ Hegelian ’ concept of history and of the notion of an expressive totality , etc. , aims at showing that there is not one single history , a general history , but rather histories different in their type , rhythm , mode of inscription — intervallic , differentiated histories .
6 The argument that Linguistics-based courses are impracticable , cited a number of difficulties that are real enough , arguing that there is not time in a course already fragmented , and asserting that there were not enough people equipped to design and teach such courses as we envisaged and advocated .
7 When allowance is made for the hours needed for sleep and eating and keeping fit and carrying out Union and Society activities , you would be pardoned for thinking that there are not many left to be used for organising a study programme .
8 Well I was only thinking that there 's not much on the television so
9 The argument that Linguistics-based courses are impracticable , cited a number of difficulties that are real enough , arguing that there is not time in a course already fragmented , and asserting that there were not enough people equipped to design and teach such courses as we envisaged and advocated .
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