Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] be [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This gift was subject to the capital transfer tax , not inheritance tax , provisions , and by dint of the passage of more than 10 years is outside any tax charge .
2 These three aspects are to some extent interrelated in that , for example , at higher temperatures water quality may deteriorate more rapidly than at low temperatures and under conditions of crowding , the deterioration of water quality will also be accelerated .
3 The other three days are on this erm lateral thinking risk assessment type of erm
4 Three years is after all a long time .
5 The main debate among the 581 delegates was between those who favoured the transformation of the FSLN into a more traditional democratic party , and those who supported the existing structure based on leadership by a revolutionary vanguard .
6 The Karen National Union , which admits to violent opposition to the military government , denies the three men were in any way involved .
7 Mitzi tried to rise quickly but her sixteen stones were against all precipitous action .
8 But in Nottingham in 1840 7,000–8,000 of the 11,000 houses were of this type ( see Burnett 1986 ) .
9 The local symmetry of M-PH 3 is C 3 ν and the PH 3 modes are like those of the CH 3 group in CH 3 X. There are a 1 and e PH stretches , a 1 and e PH 3 deformations , and e PH 3 rocks .
10 Gill and Jackson ( 1983 ) found that five of the thirty-five children were to some degree proud of their colour but only a small minority of the children had positive feelings about their colour .
11 Tanjug also claimed 36 children were among those killed at the weekend and police fired into the bodies of the wounded .
12 6 horses were in such a bad state they had to be shot .
13 Last Thursday central tv showed animal rescue workers at the farm taking away 35 goats suffering from emaciation. 6 horses were in such a bad condition they had to be shot .
14 In the case of three to five pixels being ON this was later refined to attempt to restore the continuity of lines through the point , by considering the four pairs of opposite pixels in the same 3 × 3 square surrounding it .
15 And when the twelve months are over these young mothers usually go on to DHSS benefits , because they do not want to leave their babies and go to college or on YTS schemes .
16 On the other side sceptics point out that the Conservative share of the vote in the 1983 and 1987 elections is below that in the 1960s and they point to the several opinion surveys which show that popular support for collective values remains high .
17 One of its five chapters is about those epic times , while others describe Bob Doe 's experiences in the Middle and Far East .
18 His ‘ invention ’ , like that of hobbits , has been well-chronicled by Humphrey Carpenter ( Biography , pp. 64 and 172 ) ; the two cases are in several ways similar .
19 The directors of these two companies were among those appearing in court in March 1989 , although the political uncertainties during the year left the situation unresolved .
20 just got really unsafe unless the two sites are like half a mile , well at least half a mile if not , but I
21 No fewer than twenty-two countries were without any printed daily paper whatsoever .
22 All but two patients were on some form of maintenance therapy ( sulphasalazine/ mesalazine ) .
23 Finally , Bajazeth offers us perhaps the most complete view of Tamburlaine because these two men are in some ways very similar , and so bring out the true side of Tamburlaine 's character .
24 The chances of winning the two bets are at that point judged to have the same probability , given by the ratio of red to blue marbles .
25 The chances of winning the two bets are at that point judged to have the same probability , given by the ratio of red to blue marbles .
26 Palestrina 's more than a hundred Masses are of all the familiar types : Masses like ‘ Aeterna Christi munera ’ , based on the plainsong Matins hymn , ‘ parodies ’ like ‘ Assumpta est Maria ’ based on his own six-part motet , freely composed ones like the Missa Papae Marcelli and Missa brevis , to mention only a few supremely fine examples .
27 Similarly , while it is true that the military do play a more crucial role than in the past , it is one thing to say this and another to argue that the heads of the four services are in some manner an elite or share similar goals .
28 And because those two incidents are in some way related to the death of Heather 's sister in June of last year . ’
29 And the story goes , to cut it quite short , two workmen were in this person 's house laying carpet tiles in the lounge and they were using this substance that was heavier than air and it was also highly flammable .
30 Trevor Hicks , whose two daughters were among those who died , and Peter Jackson , the Liverpool solicitor who acted for the Football Supporters ' Association at the Hillsborough Inquiry , both condemn the FA for acting in haste .
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