Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Turkish forces mounted a large-scale security operation in the south-eastern Cudi mountain region from Aug. 31 to Sept. 4 , after 500 PKK guerrillas attacked a border post on Aug. 30 near Semdinli close to the Turkish borders with Iran and Iraq .
2 Nevertheless , lawyers may be difficult to convince , even upon the persuasions of members of the RICS , that inflationary trends may justify an increase from £600 yearly in 1972 to £20,000 yearly in 1913 .
3 But they eat and drink the best , and when the voyage is done , it 's hundreds of pounds instead of hundreds of pence in their pockets .
4 London is , as well , the main place for entertainment , hundreds of cinemas especially in the ‘ West End ’ , costing a fortune of around twenty-five pounds .
5 The yellow splash of paint showed up hundreds of metres away in the bright sunshine .
6 You must have had hundreds of mistresses all over the world — ’
7 However it is not only the famous who give up their time as there are hundreds of missionaries all around the world trying to help people of the same and different religions through worship to God .
8 HOW do you cope with training when your staff are scattered hundreds of miles apart across 140 different locations ?
9 I T happened hundreds of miles apart in different countries , but the desired aim of striking fear into the minds of law-abiding citizens was achieved in each case .
10 And in Scotland , too ; hundreds of miles away from everyone she knew .
11 ‘ He is many hundreds of miles away from his family and likes to go home and see his mother and father , who are elderly , ’ said Mr Ripman .
12 At that moment , hundreds of miles away in Yorkshire , Colin was seeing the secret garden for the first time , and saying , ‘ I 'm going to live for ever and ever and ever ! ’
13 On one occasion I was present when , due to the exigencies of war , a Kachin from eastern Burma fetched up hundreds of miles away in a Kachin village in eastern Assam .
14 A nurse has said she was accosted by a man soon after the killing on the M-fifty , while the man jailed for the murder was hundreds of miles away in Scotland .
15 There was one door : set into one of the metal walls , it had an electronic lock that , while not as sophisticated as the transmat , was certainly hundreds of years away from the medieval technology of Arcadia .
16 They were carved laboriously out of the solid rock hundreds of years ago for the purpose of pounding soe , or ground bait , a practice that continued until late in the 19th century .
17 They had been built many hundreds of years ago by the people who lived on the moor .
18 As defiant shoppers and workers flooded back into Manchester city centre yesterday , police rejected claims they herded hundreds of workers directly into the path of the second bomb .
19 After fifteen minutes on the Metro to Nevski Prospect I was met by a teeming downpour , heavy enough to keep me holed up under cover until ten minutes before the performance was due to start , and with the hall some hundreds of yards away along a back-street .
20 They were alone in the middle of acres of oak , hundreds of yards away from the nearest path .
21 If , for example , the shot is of an expanse of countryside , the camera may be many hundreds of yards away from the main feature , say a group of trees .
22 A close parallel to the view that it is wrong to record speakers without their knowledge may be found in the controversy which has surrounded the use of telephoto lenses in photography ; these ‘ spy ’ lenses are capable of taking photographs hundreds of yards away from the subject ( Greenhill , Murray and Spence 1977 : 18 ) .
23 There is no way the farmer can deal with the output of hundreds of animals simply by spreading it on the fields .
24 The Kennel Club have also drawn up a code of ethics covering the sale of dogs in an attempt to control the so-called ‘ puppy farmers ’ who produce hundreds of animals purely for profit , and they offer a Canine Code , freely available to owners .
25 He said that the provisional date was also conditional on the extension of state administration by mid-November 1991 into areas still under the control of the rebel National Union for the Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) , and on the confinement of all government and UNITA troops to assembly points by mid-December 1991 .
26 Here the men who streamed into the new ‘ self-improvement ’ associations ( Bildungsvereine ) in the 1860s — there were 1,000 such clubs in 1863 , no less than 2,000 in Bavaria alone by 1872 — rapidly drifted away from the middle-class liberalism of these bodies , though perhaps not sufficiently from the middle-class culture they inculcated .
27 Tarmac , the hottest bid tip recently , added 10 to 135p ahead of year-end figures today , when all eyes will be on the dividend payment .
28 He also says that 386BSD is the basis of BSDI 's BSD/386 which he worked on in 1991 at CSRG initially under the financial sponsorship of UUNet Technologies .
29 THE shares of Sage Group jumped 31 to 484p yesterday after the Newcastle-based accounting software supplier unveiled a 44 p.c. rise in pre-tax profits to £4.34m for the six months to end-March .
30 South African Airways : As mentioned in the November issue , SAA are preparing former SAAF 6888 for use again as ZS-BXF .
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