Example sentences of "[num] [noun] of [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The percentage of sales accounted for by each of these market segments is given below : At the 1986 level of demand the company was operating at full capacity , but today it has an excess of manufacturing capacity .
2 At er L 2 units of labour the slope of the ray from the origin right , is tangent to our total product curve .
3 Beyond L 2 units of labour the slope of the ray from the origin on the total product curve starts to fall .
4 Okay , it follows therefore that at L 2 units of labour the average product is at a maximum .
5 It will be remembered that during the last 30 years of life the King had suffered from a distressing illness that resulted in his being kept under guard and even put into a straight-jacket : if he had said anything about the origin of the instrument it is unlikely that much weight would be given to his words .
6 In 53 percent of cases the ambulance reached the patient within eight minutes .
7 For instance , rather than The Buyer shall pay the price within 30 days of delivery the terms could provide that The Buyer shall pay the price within a period of 30 days commencing on the date of delivery making it clear that the date of delivery is included in the period or The Buyer shall pay the price within a period of 30 days commencing on the date immediately following the date of delivery if the date of delivery is to be excluded .
8 After 12 years of negotiation the half mile footpath from Jepsons Gate to Alance Bridge , Anglezarke has been upgraded to bridleway status — this means that both cyclists and horse riders may use it .
9 During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy the amniotic sac is surrounded by coelomic fluid in the extraembryonic coelomic cavity , which is a derivative of the extra-embryonic mesoderm .
10 The fainter component is of magnitude 4.2 , and as the separation is 376 seconds of arc the pair can be split with the naked eye ; of course binoculars show it well .
11 2 Construction of pipes The right to construct and to maintain in on under or over the Premises at any time during the Term any Pipes for the benefit of any other part of the Centre or any Adjoining Property This is not a standard right and could be highly disruptive .
12 But after forty-eight hours of Berlin the Joyces had lost their nerve .
13 After nearly 10 hours of debate the Federal Assembly on April 22 approved by 144 votes to 33 with 47 abstentions the friendship treaty signed with Germany in February 1992 [ see p. 38777 ] .
14 During the first six months of pupillage the fledgling barrister is not allowed to accept briefs .
15 Gatwick — set in over 100 acres of woodland the Copthorne Hotel .
16 After 10 days of testimony the trial of William Kennedy Smith ended on Dec. 12 with the defendant being found not guilty on the felony charge of sexual battery ( the term for rape within the Florida criminal justice system ) and a misdemeanour battery charge .
17 After Hoyte 's Nov. 10 announcement of elections the PCD had been divided over whether to take part , and three of its components — the Democratic Labour Movement , the National Democratic Front and the United Republican Party — had decided to boycott the poll .
18 SOLUTION When 1.00 g of the solute was dissolved in 10 g of solvent the elevation of boiling point was 1.2°C .
19 9.15 Service of notices The provisions of the Law of Property Act 1925 section 196 as amended by the Recorded Delivery Service Act 1962 shall apply to the giving and service of all notices and documents under or in connection with this Lease except that section 196 shall be deemed to be amended as follows :
20 After eleven years of Thatcherism the government 's macro policies have been transformed — for the worse .
21 After three hours of negotiation the police allowed the demonstrators to place a coffin , representing the death of dictatorship , outside the headquarters of the New China News Agency ( Xinhua ) .
22 Between one and three months of age the baby indulges in finger play , focusing the eye on the hands .
23 With these three methods of finance the finance house provides the funds and a percentage rate of interest .
24 Despite this it was found that in all three areas of Wales the amount of land owned was almost the same .
25 After three decades of preparation the magicians enshrouded the island 's approaches in a maze of spells , illusions and treacherous shifting shoals and mists .
26 Approaches were then made to Brian Cubbon , the Permanent Under Secretary at the Home Office responsible for criminal matters , with the result that within three weeks of publication the Home Secretary Willie Whitelaw announced to the House of Commons that because of continued unease about the case and after discussions with the Lord Chief Justice , he had ordered the release of Cooper and McMahon from prison .
27 After three weeks of uncertainty the Nestor arrived in port and hopes were raised that she would sail the following day .
28 During three days of talks the Japanese chief negotiator , Noboru Nakahira , reiterated Japan 's position that there could be no normalization of ties until North Korea signed the nuclear safeguards accord ( NSA ) with the International Atomic Energy Agency and accepted inspection of its nuclear facilities .
29 During the first three years of life the young child will venture out from and return to the secure base of a parent 's presence when conducting expeditions into unfamiliar territory .
30 Every morning he went down the three flights of stairs the mail was there to be shuffled and dealt .
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