Example sentences of "[vb base] back to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I report back to the hotel room , defeated .
2 The local authority must complete the investigation and report back to the court within eight weeks unless the court directs otherwise .
3 Kirk elders were instructed to visit offenders and report back to the Session .
4 A at the moment what happens is individual people report back to the clerk ,
5 An Outreach scheme has been devised which divides the parish into six areas , each manned by teams of church members whose job it is to identify ways in which they can provide help and report back to the church .
6 I also think that having to report back would assist with dealing with the many , many people who have complained about the state of our footpaths network but individual complaints and with user groups and we 're off to see representatives out of County Council , they 're not here today but they 're off to hear it at our Committee meetings and I do think that having an officially report back to the Environment Committee would assist in meeting their requirements would be good P R. Thank you .
7 It will be handed to the working party of East Hampshire Road Safety Council who have to investigate , and report back to the matter to their main committee by April 15th .
8 Erm , I think that this erm , part of the agenda is most interesting because I think it 's other departments which also report back to the policy resources , which really , we as a erm , council do n't get much chance to see it 's doing .
9 Keyence 's salesmen report back to the research department on what new machines their customers would find useful .
10 On longer courses participants may be asked to talk to one of their own students and then report back to the group on his/her pattern of language use .
11 They report back to the manager on the progress of the batches .
12 A coach back to the team 's hotel gave him enough time for a shower and snack lunch before going back to work — more throw downs , a second net against the quicks , and a burst of fielding practice before dusk set in .
13 She should leave , return to England , fly back to the security of the life she had always known .
14 Outside the venue , the Inspirals climb into their cramped tour van and head back to the hotel exuding quiet satisfaction .
15 We head back to the apartment only when the day folds in around us for good .
16 I 've had enough of the lights , so we turn round and head back to the house .
17 Here they spend the next 5 months until the short rains in November when they gradually form columns and head back to the shortgrass plains .
18 He watches after us with evident satisfaction , as we teeter back to the stadium much the worse for the experience .
19 He had but three vessels left and despite urgent pleas from his men — now demoralized again , fretful once they realized another ship was gone — to abandon the voyage and sail back to the Guadalquivir , he pressed on north-westwards , passing through scenery of a wild grandeur and beauty he had never known before .
20 At sunset , I climb back to the waterfall and wash my hair in the cold , clear water — a mundane chore elevated into sublime pleasure .
21 If you listen back to the music , that 's always been serious and not wacky or whatever .
22 Then we cut back to the newsreader .
23 He laughs again , and as the light is fading we walk back to the village , past small boys running hurdy-gurdies ; he teaching me plant names for which I can find no translation .
24 But she turned around , and began the long , slow walk back to the village .
25 Now walk back to the starting position and spray the bin , then go to the phonebooth and jump onto the seat .
26 The proper equipment makes the whole operation far easier and safer , and encourages instructors to practise those exercises which can so often result in a long walk back to the launch point .
27 The road would be turning east soon , and taking them back to the main road so that they could turn south and walk back to the house .
28 He stood and watched her walk back to the house and then he went back to his work .
29 As I walk back to the motel I am relieved to see that there is no light on in the room .
30 Quinn woke at six , washed and shaved with the new toiletries he had bought in the High Street the previous day , had a light supper and chanced the two-hundred-yard walk back to the phone-booth in Chiltern Street at ten to eight .
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