Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [adj] [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 There is general agreement that Chlamydia trachomatis is the pathogen responsible for a high percentage of cases of NSU , but the best isolation rates still remain below 70 per cent of cases and are more usually in the region of 40 to 50 per cent .
2 The regular facilities provide only 20 per cent of the credit available from the Fund .
3 The haciendas , in contrast , are not only larger ( 5 ha to 10 000 ha ) but occupy nearly 63 per cent of the agricultural area including a much higher proportion of the best agricultural land .
4 They occupy about 50 per cent of all hospital beds .
5 They provide about 80 per cent of total lending for private house purchase , though this figure has fluctuated during the 1980s as banks entered , retreated from and then re-entered the mortgage market .
6 With its source barely twenty kilometres south-west of le Pailly and Langres , the Aube flows through Bar-sur-Aube — whose vineyards , together with those of Bar-sur-Seine , provide about fourteen per cent of the total production of Champagne — before joining the Seine fifteen kilometres from Nogent-sur-Seine .
7 Together they provide about 60 per cent of the housing for single people and almost a quarter of all wheelchair access dwellings .
8 Savanna regions occupy c. 20 per cent of the earth 's land surface , comprising some 23 × 107sup6 ; km located between the equatorial rainforests and the mid-latitude arid and semi-arid deserts .
9 Dairy products make up over 20 per cent of our calories and they also provide over 20 per cent of our protein intake and much of our calcium .
10 A study by the International Forest Science Consultancy has shown that log-exporting countries typically receive only 10 per cent of the total value of the processed timber .
11 There was anger among teachers — some of whom receive only 0.55 per cent initially — as well as nurses and other hospital workers , but the message from the military , who have done relatively well in previous pay reviews compared to other public sector workers , was that there was little point in grumbling .
12 More reliable data for the metal workers , the most powerful sector , show only 20–25 per cent unionization .
13 Hoverspeed 's two Super 4s can carry 70 per cent more payload ( passengers and cars ) than the unstretched SR.N4s , but cost only 15 per cent more to run .
14 He states : ‘ Like solicitors , estate agents generally charge only 1 per cent .
15 Like solicitors , estate agents generally charge only 1 per cent .
16 However , among footwear workers women earn only 71 per cent of men 's hourly rates and women sales supervisors earn only 66 per cent of the hourly rates of men in the same occupation .
17 However , among footwear workers women earn only 71 per cent of men 's hourly rates and women sales supervisors earn only 66 per cent of the hourly rates of men in the same occupation .
18 ‘ Pristine ’ areas include national parks and national wilderness areas and cover approximately 1 per cent of the federal land area .
19 Leading shares now earn just 6 per cent gross and pay dividends of 4 per cent .
20 Yet the rainforests cover just seven per cent of global landmass .
21 The company achieved significant growth during the year with both home trade and export up 12 per cent on the previous year .
22 Promoted nationally by ministerial circular in 1955 , approved belts now cover nearly 11 per cent of England , an area similar to that devoted to urban development , and greater than is covered by either National Parks or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty .
23 Peatbogs and the Greenhouse Effect , shows that the world 's peatlands are a major carbon store : covering 3 per cent of the land area they contain three times as much carbon as tropical rainforests , which cover nearly 6 per cent of the land area .
24 Union leaders put up 90 per cent of the funding but have played little public part in Labour 's campaign .
25 He revealed that although this appeared to be an instance favouring a pluralist conception of law-making , i.e. law representing a compromise between the interests of numerous groups , it was in fact a law which basically reflected the interests of the coal industry and those dependent upon it — manufacturers of heavy equipment and the electric utilities , who consume nearly 80 per cent of domestically mined coal .
26 For both occupational strata female employees earn about 60 per cent of the wages of their male counterparts , and this discrimination against and exploitation of women 's labour has only marginally decreased through legislation such as the Equal Pay Act of 1970 .
27 The creation of artificial waters does much to replace this loss , and five of the 12 sites in the table are gravel pits or reservoirs and support about 30 per cent .
28 He guesstimates that the existence of different European currencies cost about 1.5 per cent of Europe 's total income each year , merely in terms of the losses incurred by traders and investors when they change currencies .
29 What , if anything , will the Maastricht agreement do to eradicate the real inequalities throughout Europe , which mean , for example , that pensioners in this country receive about 43 per cent .
30 The steppes support around 65 per cent of the remaining worldwide bustard population .
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