Example sentences of "[det] that [vb mod] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There may be some that can be combined to save money .
2 Cistus ( rock rose ) , scented-leaved pelargoniums ( geraniums ) and the curry plant ( Helichrysum angustifolium ) are a few that can be combined to provide the mixture of aromas reminiscent of holidays in southern Europe .
3 This fresco is mirrored by another that can be seen from Via Falcone at the back of the church .
4 As far as the radically mentalist view is concerned , there is clearly very little that might be said in its favour .
5 What is more , there is very little that can be called oceanic crust or trench-filling sediment ( flysch , olistostromes , etc. ) within the Hercynian massifs of Europe .
6 Pyramids of paper have been piled up on the subject of faunal provinces in the fossil record , but very few of them stand up to critical examination and even the latest symposium on the subject has produced very little that can be regarded as concrete evidence .
7 Everything that can be done in preparation for the survey should therefore be done ; there is precious little that can be done afterwards without distorting the accuracy of the survey .
8 With a study designed the way this one was there is very little that can be done to decide whether this relatively uninteresting possibility is the major factor determining the results , the studies in the remainder of this thesis are , however , designed to address this problem .
9 There is , surprisingly perhaps , very little that can be added to Professor Hoskins ' account of industrial landscapes .
10 They consulted a doctor who told them that there was very little that could be done for a rheumatic attack .
11 He could not see too much that could be done quickly about the criminals who travelled from Wearside and Tyneside to burgle .
12 ‘ There 's so much that can be achieved , ’ he says .
13 The inescapable and undeniable fact , among many that can be remembered , was his insistence and overriding concern for the highest standards of art and craft work at all levels in the West Riding .
14 This is just one example of the many that could be quoted to emphasize the importance of shape in biological systems .
15 It teaches you to become aware of your reactions in daily life and to learn how to prevent those that might be causing you physical or mental stress .
16 And this — ’ he moved his arm slowly to the side as he was about to add , ‘ This is going to be your grave , ’ but he stopped , for two reasons ; the words sounded melodramatic , like those that might be used in an amateur play , and this was no amateur play ; the second reason was that he felt sick .
17 Recent work has shown that a range of mental activities , typical of those that might be found in an office , are at appreciable risk from such distraction .
18 Thus postnominal position does go hand in hand with a notion of emphasis , but only of one particular type , which is perhaps the weakest of those that might be considered .
19 The major regions excluded are those that may be identified as the more remote rural areas — the extreme South West , the Lake District , the northern Pennines , mid- and North Wales and Scotland .
20 The following error messages are those that may be reported in the RDBI error log file while running LIFESPAN RDBI .
21 For instance , suppose that in tigers there is a particular gene which , by means of its sideways influence in cells of the jaw , causes the teeth to be a little sharper than those that would be grown under the influence of a rival gene .
22 The job losses in United Kingdom defence industries as a result of the change of emphasis in British procurement are as nothing compared with those that would be suffered under the Labour party 's defence policy — if so dignified a term can be used for something so confused , contradictory and misleading .
23 It seems clear from the surviving images that emperors took interest in and approved the form of their portraits , particularly those that would be seen by many of their subjects on coins and statues set up in public places .
24 Such views are very different from those that would be associated with behaviourism or epiphenomenalism , neither of which allows mental states any causal role in the production of behaviour .
25 We must first examine within this society both those elements that resisted the change and those that would be considered as instruments of progress .
26 The directions are those that would be expected if the pigeons use the sun as a compass , making allowance for the movements of the sun through the day .
27 The principle that a mortgagee is entitled to add to the secured debt his costs , charges and expenses properly incurred is , therefore , firmly embedded in the law and is the principle underlying express contractual provisions such as those that must be construed in the present case .
28 God grant me the serenity to accept the things which can not be changed , the courage to change those that should be changed , and the wisdom to know the difference .
29 Any enhancement of HLCA payments ( Articles 13–15 ) ‘ to improve or maintain the natural landscape ’ should be reimbursed by EEC funds and should be linked to conservative needs , e. g. agreed stocking levels below those that could be supported for purely agricultural objectives .
30 A government can influence private company plans in a variety of ways , and thus achieve objectives which are essentially the same as those that could be reached by ownership .
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