Example sentences of "[noun prp] know it be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sylvie knew it was her cue .
2 Way up above in the light at the top of the well Mrs Parvis was speaking but Dot knew it was nothing to do with her .
3 Artemis knew it was him before she saw him , because even before he was in the room everyone stood up , and Nanny as always straightened Artemis 's dress , tugging at the back .
4 Father Martin knew it was him of course , had to .
5 over that woman 's feet , cos you know what she did , she rang up Lynnette , she got through to the wrong extension Debbie answered , she slammed the phone down , and Debbie knew it were her she went mad
6 Christina knew it was none of her business — Martin was a free agent — but it disturbed her somehow to see him being so hotly pursued by a determined young woman .
7 Perkin knew it was I who had remembered that the floorboards should have floated , and on Monday he 'd seen the plank on the dining-room table and heard Doone and me talking in close private consultation .
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