Example sentences of "[adv] she have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However much she 'd fallen in love with Rohan , to him she was no more than a passing fancy , to be enjoyed then discarded .
2 In the other he clutched a fifty-p piece , a coin he 'd discovered the evening before in Mrs Abigail 's purse , which carelessly she 'd left on top of the refrigerator .
3 If only she 'd looked behind her , she 'd have seen how to avoid the discomfort .
4 If only she had realized in time what was happening .
5 If only — the thought came for the first time — if only she had stayed with Papa !
6 Everything she 'd ever wanted laid temptingly before her — only she had looked behind the scenes and knew the display was a hollow sham .
7 Whereas hitherto she had looked upon sex as highly enjoyable for its own sake , now she believed that , in some inextricable way , she would not be able to help equating it with what might — and , presumably , should be — the end result : procreation .
8 There was no way of being certain how long she 'd spent on the ward ; it might have been six weeks or six years , but she was guessing at six months because this had been the first commission review that she 'd received .
9 The production control team rehearse the bulletin and tell Charlie via an earpiece how long she has to talk for .
10 Perhaps she 'd heard on the college grapevine that Barney had been getting an undue amount of visits from the police and was rejoicing that the heat was off her beloved Rodney .
11 Perhaps she 'd fled from his passivity , from his ease beneath the spike of her beauty .
12 Perhaps she had remarried by now .
13 Perhaps she had fled at the news of my coming .
14 The woman who had a haemorrhage for twelve years , and probably suffered from haemophilia , touched the cloak of Jesus believing that this was all she had to do to be healed .
15 It was her own cottage and it was all she had to show for 20 years of marriage so , she reasoned , she might as well make it look as good as possible .
16 It was all she had left of Gerry , now .
17 It was all she had left of four years of happiness , and it was very precious .
18 It was all she had left of him and of the days they had spent together .
19 And let him — let all of them — think that was all she had had in mind !
20 He was all she had to hope for .
21 Obviously she had to go to Dublin and stay in the convent there ; this was the only way she could train for a career .
22 Obviously she had walked into some sort of a secret and Felipe was not at all amused by the fact .
23 Erm and obviously she 's used to shares she 's not going to be worried about unit trusts or P E Ps cos she 's already had er a lot of share er a P E P share income here anyway .
24 She stands as the martyr of organized and systematic sexual wrong-doing on the part of the man who should be her mate , and whom alone she has evolved to the human plane .
25 So she had jumped to a few incorrect conclusions about Piers .
26 So she has to go on a a Monday night , and she 's had a few day courses as well .
27 So she 's got at you too , has she ?
28 At eleven o'clock she had turned on the wireless to hear the old man tell them they were at war with Germany .
29 Kate was curiously fascinating , but mixed in with the fascination was a sort of fear ; and over the last few months she had made it quite clear that the less she had to do with him , the better she would like it .
30 The worse a woman 's education , the less she has to lose by dropping out of the jobs market to have a child .
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