Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus support for families who are helping to care for an elderly frail relative was built into the activities planned for social service departments from the beginning .
2 Previously , she had felt that the activities provided for retired people were not sufficiently mind-stretching and seemed to be based on younger people 's vision of what pensioners wanted .
3 The activities required for successful operation of the EPH were known , and , based on the acquired knowledge of the EPH environment , those activities that were suitable for computer support could , in consultation with the client , be identified with reasonable accuracy .
4 The continents sit on shifting plates that form the outer crust of the Earth ; and the oceans fill the spaces in between .
5 The Arbuthnots hunted on odd days with the Meath and Tom lived for the sport .
6 Some want a revolution as thorough as the one that has changed the exams taken by British 16-year-olds .
7 It is also true that British companies got more than 76% of the contracts stemming from official British loans and grants in 1989 .
8 The acts range from verbal abuse — continual taunts of ‘ Paki ’ , ‘ Nigger ’ , ‘ Blacky ’ , ‘ Chocolate face ’ , ‘ Black bastard ’ — to vicious physical attacks by both boys and girls in corridors , on playing fields and at bus stops ; hospitalization for broken bones , stitches and broken noses is not uncommon .
9 The Acts passed by Labour Governments , the Wheatley Act ( 1924 ) and the Greenwood Act ( 1930 ) to assist local authorities , were both used very extensively by subsequent Conservative and National Governments .
10 The experts travel in various guises : support teachers , unit teachers , special school teachers , child guidance workers , educational psychologists , special education inspectors and others .
11 The attitudes ascribed to Soviet women in general could just as easily be observed among Western women .
12 They also vary greatly depending upon the attitudes adopted by individual ministers .
13 So far we have reported Afro-Caribbean pupils ' perception of the attitudes held by certain teachers and how this may influence their behaviour .
14 The attitudes set in late Victorian times can be traced in British industry right through into our period .
15 Mr. Secretary Newton , supported by the Prime Minister , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. Secretary Brooke , Mr. Secretary Hunt , Mr. Secretary Lilley , Mr. Secretary Lang , Mr. Nicholas Scott and Miss Ann Widdecombe , presented a Bill to make provision for requiring , in certain cases where interest on a loan secured on land is payable by a person who is entitled , or whose partner , former partner or qualifying associate is entitled , to income support , the applicable amount in respect of which includes a sum in respect of that interest , that a part of the benefits to which any of those persons is entitled under the enactments relating to social security shall be paid directly to the lender and applied towards the discharge of the liability in respect of the interest ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
16 He itemised the steps by which East European Governments gained access to the free markets of West Europe , while denying the same freedom of access to West European manufacturers , and revealed how reciprocal trade deals negotiated with the multi-nationals resulted in unsuspecting third party EEC Governments being saddled with the import bill .
17 Reporting his progress by radio , Smith said : ‘ Up to 25,000ft the going is good , but above that the ropes left by previous expeditions have been swept away .
18 With the support of regional legal officers and a set of guidelines and codes of practice , we ask the solicitors to abide by regional secretaries ensuring that cases are pursued as forcefully as possible with the members interests uppermost at all stages .
19 May the ‘ sales and recruitment ’ campaign amongst the clubs continue at full throttle — especially amongst the junior age groups , who voted with their TV ‘ on ’ switches that rugby is the game they like best .
20 The clubs reacted by increased policing of the fans and by herding them into segregated areas of the terraces .
21 The emerging feminist perspectives on poverty , too , have been resourced primarily by the accounts provided by white women .
22 Its characteristics are remarkably consistent considering the wide cultural span , and are suggestive of some reality behind the accounts found in ancient philosophy , esoteric writings and the work of researchers into the unorthodox .
23 Ramblers and many of the climbers flower on year-old wood : new stems grow out to their full length one year — and in the more vigorous kinds , this may be very long indeed — and then bear bloom the following year .
24 Instead , climbing as two pairs , the climbers settled for alpine-style ascents of the 3,000-metre west ridge — ‘ A bit like a giant version of the Hornli ridge on the Matterhorn or Tower Ridge on Ben Nevis , ’ according to Roger .
25 Now all of this may well have made no difference to the final result ; the courts reading of the facts may have led them to the same conclusion whatever the meanings given to reasonable and unreasonable .
26 Mannheim compared the meanings given to social being to the givenness of language and it is difficult to imagine the individual ‘ affiliating ’ to their first language , exactly because of its givenness to the individual as part of social being .
27 The meanings expressed by specific words are only appre-hended as a result of the effects which are achieved when they are used .
28 Translators should find it useful to investigate and compare the expression of such categories and the meanings associated with various structures in their source and target languages .
29 The mines went from bad to worse and during 1579 Höchstetter proposed that shareholders be levied an assessment of 14 per share , or , that the mines be leased to him .
30 Purchaser and provider divisions have been established in both health and social services authorities , but the splits occur at different levels .
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