Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of where the " in BNC.

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1 Yes , there 's the relief of knowing you do n't have to worry about where the next question is coming from , but that 's simply replaced by the worry of where the first answer is coming from .
2 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
3 And also there is the issue of where the response er decision which you may have Heathrow terminal five , will in fact , in any future er discussions about er the further developments of Stansted Airport .
4 SUFFERING from hangovers after their intoxicating victory on Saturday night , Hungarian reformers and their temporary allies were split last night on the question of where the new Socialist Party should pick up the pieces , as a marginal hardline faction announced the foundation of the Hungarian Communist Party .
5 IN the more radical mood that has now gripped East Germany 's revolution , the question of where the army would stand in the event of conflict has emerged as a key issue .
6 As to the question of where the resources should come from , avoiding the easy ( albeit probably correct ) let-out of ‘ abolish capitalism ’ , I would say simply that the transfer of money to unpaid workers ought to be the next stage in the redistribution of wealth , taking precedence over ‘ breadwinners ’ pay claims , tax-cuts or ‘ family ’ benefit increases .
7 But pages later , there arises the question of where the weapon came from .
8 I did n't press him on the question of where the design had originated from , for his ready answer was ‘ off the top of my uncle 's head ’ .
9 But that just raises the question of where the energy came from .
10 This is of course to beg the question of where the dividing line between the interest of the nation state and that of the EEC is to be drawn .
11 The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that £2.75bn per year will be needed to achieve this aim , and the question of where the money will come from has not yet been agreed
12 He starts at a medieval Gothic window , a remnant of the first university in central Europe ( founded 1348 ) ; he pauses at the rebuilt Bethlehem Chapel , the site of where the Mass was first allowed in Czech , and Jan Hus preached before being burnt for heresy in 1413 ; he pays respects to the relics of the Jewish quarter with its ancient and crowded graveyard ; to cross the river he uses the Charles Bridge , lined with Baroque statues ( many between 1700 and 1720 ) , and climbs the hill to the Castle where art and architecture of all periods again further embellish the golden city of central Europe .
13 also had one of its diesel locos on show and the many people that took part in the sponsored walk along the tracks to Mells Road , three miles towards Frome , were able to see the other two locos and the site of where the association will have its engineering base .
14 As a result they flew out from the hive at an angle of 85° to the right of where the food actually was .
15 You chocolate on the top of where the chocolate
16 It may be that the IRA , fearing informers , had gone to such lengths to restrict the knowledge of where the ‘ active service unit ’ was that it was unable to warn them that their presence was compromised .
17 We eased ourselves along the channel out between the rocks to the edge of where the waves were breaking and watched a few big sets roll through .
18 Thus Barat and Haimet are nonplussed when they return in the dark of night , but Barat takes advantage of an absence of Travers to imitate his voice in the darkness and to elicit from Marie the secret of where the meat is .
19 I then advocated the creation of the vision of where the company should be going by means of an iterative process combining both bottom-up and top-down planning .
20 I can work out by the height of where the hand was on my back that it was Lorna !
21 And compared with so self-evident a need , the matter of where the money was to come from was quite irrelevant .
22 The aspect in question relates to the problem of where the extra means of production for accumulation would come from .
23 This remark did not , as his passengers might have thought , refer either to the condition of the road or to his not having thought on about Easter , but to the problem of where the other two were going to eat lunch .
24 Before drilling , hold the mirror up against the wall and mark the position of where the holes will be ( using a spirit level to make sure it 's horizontal ) .
25 Both men stood aside to let a big dark-green Jaguar edge carefully round them on to the forecourt of the house immediately to the left of where the BMW was parked .
26 The other thing , and this is a case of where the panel bites back as it were .
27 They were last year , they gave an undertaking to do it as soon as possible , it is a case of where the money comes from er Mr of course is relatively new er we do n't bother about as a rule about what he casts as new costs in new staff .
28 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
29 The impartial observation able to be made is that , in both cases , it is a question of where the clubs go from here and too early to jump to any conclusions .
30 They 're not encrypted , they 're simply strung together into one file per disk ( BACKUP.001 ) while a small file , CONTROL.001 , keeps a record of where the files came from — which directory and so on .
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