Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The G M B has argued for change in how the T U C operates .
2 It says nothing about privatization or individual ‘ packages of care ’ , unlike the Community Care legislation which was passing through parliament at much the same time .
3 Nina had her hand in the other girl 's handbag , and was begging her for money in exactly the same terms she had used on him while begging for heroin .
4 Also included in the pack are specimen compensation fund covenants for completion by either a recognised body or an individual solicitor or registered foreign lawyer .
5 The pulse rate subsequently fell to baseline values after gastroscopy in both the oxygen and air groups .
6 A combination of a biographical dictionary of activists begun in the 1920s ( which was cut short by Stalin after completion of only the volumes covering the 1860s , 70s and a small proportion of the activists of 1880–1904 ) and the meticulous records of the Police and Justice Departments on political arrests have made possible rough estimates of the number who actually fell foul of the authorities .
7 The House of Lords , to which the LEA appealed after defeat in both the High Court and Court of Appeal , held that the denial of selective single-sex education to a higher proportion of girls than boys was unlawful sex discrimination .
8 Again , this volume offers some insights into people who are motivated to move in retirement and how couples , both of whom were in employment , support each other emotionally after retirement in much the same way as they did before .
9 When we are so ill that we have to stay in bed and be looked after , we are driven back even further into unconscious memories of having to call or cry for help for even the simplest needs .
10 Let us however confine this process of differentiation to only the cultural realm .
11 Major research groupings : ( 1 ) GIS and RS including spatial searching on large databases , software development , applied research and parallel processing , ( 2 ) Geomorphology and Soils , including research on ice sheets , tectonics and geomorphology and soil-vegetation relationships in the humid tropics , ( 3 ) Geography of Social and Economic Change , including problems of restructuring and the dynamics of change in both the developed and the developing world .
12 This is the problem of responsibility for both the present and the future at the same time , described above in paragraph ( a ) at the bottom of page 133 ;
13 The right hon. Gentleman is aware that a number of European economies either have been in recession or are moving towards recession at precisely the moment when the United Kingdom economy is poised to come out of recession .
14 This is an even more beguiling picture since the forecasted increase in demand will bring the existing plants up to capacity and necessitate the building of a new one , of course on much the same technological base as exists today .
15 Big undertakings like Sheffield and Worth only required twenty or thirty men each , and of course for just a few weeks at a time .
16 And of course for quite a while we were from .
17 Westland claimed it could rely upon the arbitral clause within the contract to bring an action for breach of contract against both the Organisation and the member States .
18 Patronage of this type produced a great deal of difficulty for both the church and the politicians , and in 1742 Robert Dundas , lord Arniston , was induced to complain of the
19 As the abrasive words poured into her ears , he was moving her against an ornamental lacquerwork cabinet of hip height and bending her backwards , a hand dealing with the intricacies of her bustier with a sure skill that bore witness to a wealth of experience with even the most esoteric of feminine garments .
20 At all times we have a sense of not being able to achieve any change of direction on how the European Community conducts its affairs .
21 Britain therefore experienced a credit squeeze in the early 1990s during a period of recession in much the same way — and for much the same reasons — that she experienced a credit boom during the period of growth and ‘ overheating ’ in the mid-1980s .
22 Cripps , in particular , became associated with the notion of " working-class sanctions " ; that is the use of union power to prevent arms delivery and the avoidance of reliance on either the National Government or on the League of Nations .
23 As a result , it was out of action for over a year .
24 Almost before he got used to wearing the famous blue and white , Agnew suffered an injury which put him on crutches and out of action for virtually a season .
25 The spread of the TNCs has brought significant changes to the sexual division of labour in both the First and the Third World .
26 Where space is particularly limited sliding mirrored doors prove very popular as they automatically create an illusion of spaciousness in even the smallest of rooms .
27 Doing so regularly will , over months or years , increase the risk of harm to almost every body function .
28 Oh that was messy , you 're telling me was messy , I 've known cups of tea , you put a cup of tea on there the other cup of tea was there , well we never used to have saucers could n't afford them , that 'd be there a mug of tea and that 'd move like that off the table that 'd come cos the dredger was shaking so much .
29 I think that the House needs to know whether he will abolish fund holding in the teeth of opposition from virtually every GP and from the British Medical Association .
30 In other words , the intervention of consciousness in either a developed form ( Wigner 's friend ) or at a more rudimentary level ( Schrödinger 's cat ) seems to provide the latest link in the chain at which the matter could be settled .
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