Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you had that kind of function that you you know
2 The landed gentry planted for their grandchildren avenues of hardwood that they themselves would never see .
3 The law in this area is not confined to contractual relationships , but may also be based ‘ on the broad principle of equity that he who has received information in confidence shall not take unfair advantage of it . ’
4 Twelve years later , in Minnesota , the supreme court ruled as a matter of law that anyone who had been hypnotised could not testify in court .
5 She had succeeded in putting Luke out of her thoughts by concentrating purely on each present moment , each new impression , with the same degree of single-mindedness that he himself was capable of , and with a sense of pleasant anticipation she studied her map and set out to see some of the art treasures .
6 The kind of article that someone who lives my kind of life finds himself having to write to pay for that kind of life .
7 And they then say well right , cos every time an accountant does your books at the front of your , the actual like er the booklet what you get on your accounts it says at the front something like these accounts have erm have been audited but only erm we have taken the word of Mr that what he said is right .
8 Richards saw that Woolley was trying to do more than train them , and lead them , and pass on the lessons of experience : he was also struggling to turn each of them into the kind of person that he himself had become .
9 Provided people assess their own utility by the quantity of goods that they themselves receive , B is a better allocation than A which in turn is a better allocation than C. But a comparison of A with points such as D , E or F , requires us to adopt a value judgement about the relative importance to us of David 's and Susie 's utility .
10 If we make sure of the right answer to these questions we will develop the full , clear picture of God that he himself has given us in his revelation .
11 As Coun Carmedy has now stated in front of a large number of people that what I said was untrue , I offer him this challenge .
12 Instead , having conducted a further searching examination , he set me to the cataloguing of the little rituals , those magical forms of thought that I myself had developed in order to cope with the stress of eidesis .
13 Furthermore , protesting one 's innocence will be seen as the kind of thing that everyone who is convicted does .
14 Yeah I mean this is this is erm more the sort of thing that I I had in mind .
15 And we it was fourth year when we done it and we 'd never been shown anything like that and it was interesting because it 's the sort of fact that you you never really think about
16 So I mean that 's the sort of atmosphere that we we 've got to try and
17 So my beliefs constitute an extremely important constraint on my behaviour and , bearing in mind that what we believe to be right or wrong is , to a large extent , learnt behaviour , that we do not inherit such beliefs , it is obvious that the source of these beliefs has to be seen as a major constraint on , and determinant of , our behaviour .
18 Major investments can be made , particularly at these times , bearing in mind that what you pay out will bring you great dividends in the future .
19 Above all , they educated and eventually apprenticed young paupers , ensuring in theory that they themselves should not in turn need poor relief in adulthood ; thus Shoreditch had a so-called Nursery at Enfield specifically for the care and education of destitute children .
20 ‘ Detective Eddy has received word from London that someone he wants to see is expected to be here today .
21 I guess my thought was that , was that in view that there we were doing philosophy the more convergence there would be if we really knew what we were about as philosophers .
22 Cherwell argued to Churchill that what he termed plans for social betterment , among which was a full employment policy , were non-political and should be part of an agreed programme .
23 For a while she behaved wisely or cunningly — by allowing her ministers to give formal recognition to the ways of the reformed church on condition that she herself was allowed to worship in the old way in the privacy of her own chapel at Holyrood .
24 Now we 've actually found seventy thousand pounds worth of savings we have n't made anybody redundant and we 've actually quite clearly taken in that seventy thousand pounds within our overall budget past decisions has had to be taken and they 've been taken as I said earlier hopefully when the financial climate gets better we perhaps we 'll be able to other things all or were revert back to things that we we do wish to do because the the financial restraints on us .
25 The Privy Council in Chan Man-sin advised that the owner of a credit at the bank or of a right to draw on an account " has , clearly , the right as owner to draw by means of a properly completed negotiable instrument or order to pay and it is … beyond argument that one who draws , presents and negotiates a cheque on a particular bank account is assuming the rights of the owner …
26 ‘ … and the moral of that [ said the Duchess ] is — ‘ Be what you would seem to be ’ — or , if you 'd like it put more simply — ‘ Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise .
27 The thought occurred once again to Henry that someone who was n't him might have a sexual interest in his wife .
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