Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Thus , for personnel practices to be truly effective , employees should be continually observed and periodically rechecked , especially those in sensitive positions such as systems programming .
2 The district council had campaigned for RAF houses to be opened to the homeless .
3 The Council reiterates its previously expressed view that the existing system of local government in Scotland should be retained , that a convincing case for change remains to be made and that the cost , confusion and disruption involved in the proposed reorganisation is not justified .
4 Thus ‘ normative-re-educative ’ strategies for change came to be regarded as important .
5 However , it also meant that the sort of movements which normally flow through Clough had to be accurate to the point of perfection if they were not to be enmeshed in blue shirts .
6 The amount of HCl(aq) consumed in the reaction is given by Stage 3 : Determination of The molar enthalpy change for this exothermic reaction is found by substituting values for qp and n(H2O) into equation ( 7 ) : In more accurate calorimetric determinations the value for T has to be corrected for cooling losses ( see figure 5.5 ) .
7 A roster for crusts had to be started as these contained more bread than the average thin slice .
8 Pressing for the abolition of the pernicious fee system had been an obvious target but he also pressed for liquor taps to be banned and the sale of drink to inmates to be closely regulated ; for the gaolers to be resident at the gaol instead of offering only minimal supervision if they lived away from it ; for the provision of chaplains and doctors and the detailing and publishing of prison rules and regulations .
9 The association between entities has to be meaningful , the relationship normally his an information content — CUSTOMER places ORDER .
10 Such a man ‘ of a certain experience was required for general disciplinary purposes … some unit commanders such as Stirling want to be absolutely independent and directly under GHQ .
11 The six whose names have been put forward for election have to be informed before election night , as they have to agree to take on this responsible job and they must be there on the night to take the oath before the close of the meeting .
12 While the memorandum should highlight the positive points and potential of the company it is important for the information to be accurate and for opinions expressed to be reasonable .
13 They say it should n't be neccessary for prisoners to have to be housed in rundown jails like Oxford .
14 It was originally used for prisoners waiting to be deported to Australia , and it also housed the infamous Crippen and Christie who were both hanged and buried there .
15 Similarly , changing dividend policy to yield more cash for investment needs to be handled with care .
16 O nine of four six four one six four one if you 'd like to comment on something in the news at the moment something on er Judy 's just said or er on this business of of life imprisonment , No longer to be the automatic penalty for murder judges to be given the freedom to impose whatever penalty they see fit .
17 An applicant for entry came to be interviewed .
18 Etzioni formulates a hypothesis about organizations seeking to be effective : that they will shift their compliance structure towards one in which there is greater congruence between power and involvement , either by changing the nature of the power employed ( e.g. from sanctions to ‘ leadership ’ ) or the participants involved ( e.g. by recruitment methods ) ( Etzioni 1961 ) .
19 US Secretary of State James Baker observed that Shevardnadze 's warning about dictatorship had to be taken seriously , and French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas commented on the resignation : " It confirms that what , as everyone knows , is a disastrous situation is now turning into an open crisis .
20 Requirements for aircraft had to be dealt with by the Air Officer Commanding Western Desert , and all David Stirling 's communications had to be routed via the LRDG , who ended up as piggy in the middle .
21 Darwin , with his inherited money , doing little experiments in his garden and studying what we would call ecology , seemed rather like a survival from the eighteenth century : the new way to end arguments about animals seemed to be through chemistry .
22 Asking ‘ how far a Music Hall programme may be held to encourage lawlessness ’ , one observer considered that the types of song in currency ‘ could never have been written if the loafer , the liar , the drunkard , the thief , and the sensualist had been regarded as subjects unfit to be glorified in song ’ .
23 The need for a scientifically aware community and the wider implications for science at a national and international level is recognised and the matrix will allow for future needs to be readily incorporated .
24 Knowledge of the extent of this variation is required , especially on what are likely to he the worst conditions , and if possible sampling should be done in the winter and spring in the British Isles , when the run-off after rain tends to be heavy , as well as in the summer .
25 The control contract must be registered and shareholders have three months after registration to demand to be bought out .
26 the imposition and acceptance of earlier retirement ; the legitimation of low income ; the denial of rights to self determination in institutions ; and the construction of community services for recipients assumed to be predominantly passive .
27 Frequent judicial intervention is not essential for duty-based controls to be effective , and would if it took place prove extremely costly , but it is necessary that there be a realistic prospect of enforcement .
28 Just as change has to be acceptable if there is to be success in implementing it , so training for management has to be acceptable .
29 Marketing deserves its place in the school development plan and the costing of parents ' newsletters , the prospectus , governors ' reports , basic materials for fund raising and curriculum workshops for parents need to be identified .
30 The SPD 's candidate for Chancellor seems to be narrowing to a choice between Mr Vogel and Mr Lafontaine , between a cautious compromiser and an erratic reformer .
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