Example sentences of "[noun sg] were [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may be that this was done only where there was a public interest , but we have already seen that in the two areas in which trusts involved purely private interests , restitution of property and manumission , the remedies of cognitio were in any case adequate to secure specific performance .
2 Accusations of republican and Communist domination of NICRA and attempts to link the civil rights movement to subversion and violence were to some extent understandable responses by Unionists to the events in Derry .
3 This provided not only an overview of the stated intentions of Major Project schools but also some kind of check that the six schools chosen as the focus for our study were in these terms not atypical .
4 What developed was a massacre rather than any battle , as disciplined and prepared thousands bore down upon a scattered , unready and largely leaderless crowd , which could have had no idea that any enemy were on this side of the river .
5 In 1954 , 31 per cent of those officially classified as in work were in this category .
6 As a consequence we have no evidence to suggest that the factors identified as associated with abuse were in any way specific to this group ( Spinetta and Rigler , 1972 ) .
7 Many hundreds of cousins , the majority of the proliferation that linked the Fairleys to the other great families of England , the Pagets , the Cavendishes , the Churchills , the Devonshires , and the Spencers , did not choose lives predicated totally on loyalty to the ruling house ; those who did entered a circle in which birth and wealth were of some consequence but far less important than the taste for maintaining the moral code of the élite in all its ramifications .
8 Road , air , and even river transport were of little significance by comparison with the railways .
9 It rejected the idea that the associated companies which together did have a countrywide business were in any way relevant .
10 parochials — whose world is largely bounded by the ward , individual constituents and their problems ( 15 per cent of sample were in this group ) ;
11 After 2200 and before 0100 , 217 ( 26.8% ) of the visits were to children aged under 5 years whereas only 110 ( 14.2% ) of the visits later in the night were to this age group ( χ 2 =37.47 , df=1 , p<0.001 ) .
12 The ‘ Hitler myth ’ and terror were in this sense two indispensable sides of the same coin , ensuring political control and mobilization behind the regime .
13 With all this ‘ they ’ who made the Smoke were in some way concerned .
14 An important part of parliament 's business concerned affairs of state : decisions about royal marriages , war and trade were of this kind .
15 During the short period of political troubles between the Old and Middle Kingdoms solar and Osirian ideas of the afterlife were to some extent merged and there occurred a democratisation in funerary beliefs .
16 Dr. Leadbetter then commented on the other side of the coin ; the problems of under-funding were to some extent compensated for by the rewards of hard earned success .
17 Until about five years ago most boats in general club use were of this sort .
18 Rapid changes of policy were in any case dictated by circumstances .
19 Many members of the British cabinet were by this time reluctant to make peace on any terms short of a glorious victory , but after tortuous negotiations Austria , France and Britain agreed the " Four Points " on 27 July / 8 August 1854 .
20 Most of the major provisions relating to the charter were in any case implemented only at the discretion of member governments .
21 The Czech orchestra were by this time a pretty good ensemble , and have just the right timbre and tonal blend for Dvořák .
22 And developments which did not contribute to , nor necessarily seek that objective were for that reason defective .
23 Even so , by the beginning of the new century only six per cent of the ministers newly appointed to a church were without some form of higher education .
24 Dr Linebaugh has discovered that around 40 per cent of those hanged at Tyburn in the middle years of the eighteenth century had completed apprenticeships and a further 20 per cent had at least begun one ( see pp. 230 – 1 ) Even in London , the greatest centre of artisan manufacture , not all apprenticeships led to a skilled trade — the unfortunate climbing chimney boys for example — but it would seem reasonable to suggest that around half of the working men of the capital were to some degree skilled , in the sense of selling specialised labour .
25 His personality and judgement were of most significance in the fields of foreign and military affairs .
26 Of course , they 've got out of all recognition today , but three a penny fresh herren were at that time .
27 To the anatomists who worked in the museum or the dissecting room , processes that could only be observed in the field were of little interest .
28 Most of the difficulties with the financial category were of this nature , and consequently not within the power of the defined problem-owner for this situation .
29 In the previous recession electronics were to some extent protected from the slump by companies ' enthusiasm for replacing old technologies with new .
30 In this regard , it is relevant that the ‘ places ’ created by the expansion of non-manual/salaried employment were in many cases filled by the sons of manual wage workers , providing them with an avenue for social advancement , rather than , say , by more rapid breeding on the part of previously privileged strata .
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