Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some energy from point Q is also detected by the sensor as if it had originated at P , due to scattering at S1 .
2 ‘ The reader interprets the text as if it had been written in his own language , culture and time … .
3 The park lay in sodden neglect , sprawling over its rank acreage as if it had passed out .
4 Esther says of Mrs Jellyby : her voice impressed my fancy as if it had a sort of spectacles on too Ch 8 and of Mr Turveydrop :
5 Therefore it appears that a photon of energy E = hv behaves in a gravitational field as if it possessed an inertial mass E/c 2 !
6 This highly characteristic Fifties attitude makes Souza 's work look as if it belongs to a time rather than a place .
7 You make the pillowcase look as if it 's been washed with Brand X …
8 To decorate a dish of smoked salmon , so beautiful in itself , with lettuce leaves , or to strew it with tufts of cress , is not to make that salmon which has cost 38s. a pound look as if it cost £3 , but to belittle it so that you begin to feel it is some bargain basement left-over which needs to be disguised .
9 She strutted around in the snow as if it belonged to her .
10 Somehow his mother could shut out the unpleasant from her mind as if it had never existed and she had shut out the Worm as successfully as she had shut out everything else .
11 She could n't resist embroidering the description , seeing it all in her mind as if it had really happened .
12 Seventy-five years later , whenever I feel the sun on my face , it springs as fresh in my mind as if it occurred yesterday .
13 He blinked at the light as if it hurt him .
14 With a view toward facilitating the use of electronic bills of lading , the Law Commissions recommended that the Secretary of State be empowered to ‘ make provision by regulations for information given by means other than in writing to be of equivalent force and effect as if it had been given in writing . ’
15 Should the elective resolution cease to have effect , if the authority has lasted for 5 years or more before the election it expires forthwith : otherwise it has effect as if it had been given for a fixed period of 5 years .
16 ‘ shall have effect as if it granted or provided for the grant of a tenancy for a term of 10 years , subject to a right exercisable either by the landlord or the tenant to determine the tenancy , if the war ends before the expiration of that term , by at least one month 's notice in writing given after the end of the war ; …
17 So you 'd say that as a b er as a result of that it did it did er so it did When you say it served its purpose , it did improve the image ?
18 But , it has given no indication of whether it intends to acquire or dispose of any data processing activities .
19 Every research study needs to be assessed on the criterion of whether it measures up to its own stated objectives .
20 Of Condition In If it rains today I sha n't go shopping the clause if it rains today qualifies sha n't go .
21 She was staring at the holiday roster as if it contained the meaning of life .
22 Your treating the question as if it did n't exist is no help to you , no one ever got away by playing the ostrich . ’
23 His foot went through the ice as if it had been paper .
24 Indeed , the courts will take a pragmatic view of the complexity of the information and the employee 's ability to remember it as a test of whether it has been wrongfully used/disclosed by him .
25 The information needs to be stored in such a form that will facilitate fast testing of whether it matches what is being searched for .
26 Oftel does say that it believes video on demand comes under the auspices of the Broadcasting Act , rather than BT 's Public Telecommunications Operator licence , and while the ITC agrees , it also says that the question of whether it constitutes a broadcasting service has still to be decided .
27 ‘ In future cases where a new regime comes to power unconstitutionally our attitude on the question of whether it qualifies to be treated as a government , will be left to be inferred from the nature of the dealings , if any , which we may have with it , and in particular on whether we are dealing with it on a normal government to government basis .
28 Access to their help , leaving aside the question of whether it employs a separate , distinct expertise , has usually meant passing on pupils from the classroom or the school .
29 In a static , unchanging universe , the question of whether it has existed forever or whether it was created at a finite time in the past is really a matter for metaphysics or religion : Either theory could account for such a universe .
30 For older women , there is a question of whether it has any relevance at all . ’
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