Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] both [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The atmosphere tends to be less formal and there is greater opportunity for integration both between staff and students and between the students themselves .
2 Peter 's situation illustrates the fact that patients who spend very little time in hospital or have minor procedures performed still have anxieties and may need a great deal of help both before and after discharge .
3 By contrast , in Britain the pattern has been one of small disruptive strikes — often over job demarcation or manning levels — which have had serious long-term effects on output quality , delivery dates and labour costs , leading to a corrosive loss of markets both at home and abroad [ Phelps Brown , 1977 ] .
4 Preliminary estimates suggest that insurance claims could reach between £200 million and £300 million after taking into account the damage to buildings , the cost of reconstruction and loss of business both in the City and at Staples Corner .
5 If the majority of identifiable allophones can occur as a result of coarticulation both across word boundaries and word-internally , the case for introducing this kind of phonetic representation is considerably weakened .
6 Because I recognise you will have concerns I am committed to a vigorous programme of communication both at corporate and at local level .
7 This Centre offers a programme of studies both at the undergraduate and intermediate postgraduate levels .
8 The Electricity Boards were generally reluctant to go further and show large surpluses in their accounts , for fear of criticism both from consumers and from workers in the industry , though some Boards went further than others in this direction .
9 He may have come to this decision in 1531 or 1532 and then proceeded cautiously because of the fear of opposition both at home and abroad .
10 The constancy of heat both on Earth and in animal species has a bearing on life and death cycles .
11 A second compulsory course ( taught by development studies specialists ) would be on the Principles and practice of development both at the macro level ( eg the place of the Third World countries in the world economy ) and the micro level ( eg community organisation ; role of church-related NGOs ) .
12 In short , we still have to deal with a harmonic problem — the satisfactory effect of note-combinations both in isolation and in horizontal movement .
13 Such a system it is argued ensures broad comparability of standards both between courses in the public sector and also with those in the universities ; it provides a guarantee to students , employers , funding bodies and the public at large that courses meet acceptable standards and that those standards are maintained ; it enables institutions submitting course proposals to draw upon a pool of national experience accumulated by the validating committees ; it stimulates academic debate between staff from different institutions about curriculum development ; and it provides a means of identifying and disseminating information about good practice and about innovations in teaching and learning in higher education .
14 He states that ideology consists of the beliefs and values of a ruling group which ‘ obscures the real condition of society both to itself and others and thereby stabilizes it ’ .
15 Official statistics understate the amount of male violence against women both in public places and in the home .
16 A paper from a member of SCAC with experience both of the Scottish and UK/Ireland work .
17 The Faculty has the advantage of being located in the centre of the Scottish legal system with its own distinctive legal traditions , one of which is an historic openness to influences both from the civilian systems of Europe and the Anglo-American common law .
18 The checks and balances of the US system lead to a fragmentation of power both within the executive and between it and the legislative branch , while executive dominance within the Canadian parliamentary system assures a more unitary approach .
19 A change of scene both from lakeside and historic town is to be had by leaving Schwyz on the road which ascends southward into the valley of the Muota ( the river which enters the lake just west of Brunnen ) .
20 The mass of altars both against the walls and on the piers are of high quality .
21 Baldwin disliked the level of unemployment both for its own sake and because he believed it worked against the evolution of a moderate Labour Party .
22 It seems to me a definite kind of immortality both to be remembered with great affection and to give that feeling ( which I and so many friends have ) that we ca n't believe he has died .
23 He supported a great variety of movements both by his presence and financially , including temperance , welfare , council housing , and education .
24 At the newer universities and polytechnics the process of institutional growth had led to a variety of adjustments both in the modes of teaching ( most notably through the introduction of the seminar ) and curriculum ( with a more modern and selective emphasis , and the use of the period study ) .
25 Students may take a wide variety of subjects both from within and outwith the faculty this is one of the ways in which options can be kept open .
26 All such knowledge must be of value in nursing , where a wide range of people from a broad range of cultures are cared for daily in a variety of contexts both at home and in the hospital setting .
27 For a composition to work it must be agreed to by a majority of creditors both in numbers and in value .
28 Crucial to individualism is the conviction that people are agents who determine the course of events both by choosing between existing options , and by creating the options themselves .
29 Sacrosanctum Concilium speaks of the presence of Christ both in the sacraments and in the liturgical reading of the Word ( SC 7 ) ; Dei Verbum likewise speaks of ‘ the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ ’ ( DV 21 ) .
30 The experience of California both in pollution control policies and as a testing or proving ground strongly influenced the direction of federal policies during the 1960s .
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