Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [adv] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a country whose violence is matched by nothing except its litigation , Mr O'Gara 's only real worry must surely be America 's product-liability laws .
2 This definable zero-point must have some relevance to the archaeological site being dated : potassium-argon dating of a piece of volcanic rock will date the formation of the rock , but it does not necessarily provide any useful information for the archaeologist ; the rock may simply be part of the geological environment of the site .
3 As Massey and Meegan ( 1982 ) have argued , relocation away from intense class struggle is just one option facing employers ; they also contend that consideration of the various options is most likely in periods of recession when profitability is low and some form of restructuring crucial , and that relocation may then be part of a composite strategy involving restructuring of the labour process .
4 Many of these patients will have hypoaldosteronism and in the face of renal sodium loss the diabetic may well be sodium depleted .
5 If you get the right mould then algae in your pond could well be history .
6 The informational specialists of the future will probably be Platonists rather than Aristotelians !
7 The exchange value of eight hours of labour will therefore be £10 and this will equal the value added by the worker to raw materials .
8 Porcelain can also be TL tested , but it is such a hard ceramic that a drill can not be used to take the sample because of the heat generated and the spurious luminescence signals produced .
9 ‘ The result can only be health care services which have virtually no real accountability or contact with the local community , ’ he said .
10 The overall result can often be disillusionment for the householder and frustration for housing professionals .
11 Lost or deliberately discarded fishing nets pose the biggest threat , but seemingly more innocent items like plastic bags , plastic pellets , and polypropylene packing tape can also be killers of wildlife .
12 Since constructing new states is simple , monotonic search can sometimes be time efficient too .
13 You should be well aware that evolution can only be viewed with hindsight , and whether our species ' rapacious predatory record will prove successful in the long term can only be speculation .
14 But holes with only one entrance can also be death-traps .
15 Certain characteristics or traits of the child , including low birth-weight , prematurity , illness in infancy , and impediments to attachment and bonding may also be factors .
16 With such conditions Rodrigo de Triano is almost certain to miss the meeting 's highlight , the Queen Elizabeth II Stakes , while Second Set and Brief Truce could also be absentees .
17 The modern or contemporary quarter of Intolerance would make an excellent film in its own right but even then the industrial scene would only be part of the scene setting and would fade in the memory as the hero passes from scene to scene in the ‘ picaresque ’ fashion of so many movies .
18 The one abiding image of this campaign will surely be Neil Kinnock on the pop concert stage at Sheffield , when he clutched the sides of the lectern with both hands .
19 To push him towards a record , Scott will be challenged by Mark Allen , six-times winner of the Nice Triathlon , plus Mike Pigg , Ken Glah and Scott Tinley , while the top European will probably be Rob Barel , from The Netherlands .
20 ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some other benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise .
21 Is it strictly true to say that ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise ’ ?
22 Peace should be ours too , within the church family , and the origin can only be God .
23 An extra teaspoonful for luck could well be disaster .
24 Two extra beds in a twin bedded room may sometimes be bunk beds .
25 By writing a precis you boil a passage down to its essentials , and the meaning should then be crystal clear !
26 But masonry of this nature might equally be part of a dock or quay , so the correct position of the Roman bridge still remains in considerable doubt .
27 If they failed another night in the open would probably be Hugh 's last .
28 If they failed another night in the open would probably be Hugh 's last .
29 The women 's editor of the Tollemarche Advent , having found nothing about Ben MacLean in the office files , decided that the quickest source of information regarding Tollemarche 's first author would probably be Mr Pascall , the bookseller .
30 The outcome for such a team will either be failure to achieve the task , or the imposition of dominant leadership , or the formation of a sub-group .
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