Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adj] [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 Between November 1978 and November 1986 , short-term replacement rates have fallen ; for example , whereas 65 per cent of claimants had an income below 80 per cent of their normal earnings in 1978 , this had risen to 87 per cent of claimants in 1986 .
2 It is perfectly feasible for manufacturers to package their goods in recycled paper without loss of appeal or quality , yet at present only 27 per cent of the paper we consume is recycled , and less than 20 per cent of household newspapers and magazines are recovered .
3 Among those on income support only 22 per cent were receiving any maintenance , which represents a substantial fall since 1979 , when half of lone parents on supplementary benefit were receiving some maintenance .
4 Thus about 48 percent of the Pakistani/Bangladeshi group are aged 0–15 compared to 20 percent in the white population , and at the other end of the age spectrum only 2 per cent are aged over 60 compared to 21 per cent among the white population ( Central Statistical Office , 1988 ) .
5 Pluto appeared tiny right from the start ; it is now known to have a mass only 0.2 per cent that of Earth , far too small to have caused the irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune attributed to Planet X. A dedicated group of astronomers have maintained that a tenth planet is required .
6 In contrast only 15 per cent of all other GP referrals ( and 12 per cent of other female referrals ) were not admitted , while over half were sectioned .
7 The 1987 joint programme of the ruling Social Democrats ( SPÖ ) and Austrian People 's Party ( ÖVP ) [ see p. 35088 ] had set a target of keeping the 1991 deficit below 3 per cent .
8 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
9 As a result only 5 per cent of intended affordable housing satisfied affordability criteria for a local community where 75 per cent earn less than £10,000 per annum ( National Audit Office , 1988 ; House of Commons Employment Committee , 1988 ) .
10 In the initial review about 70 per cent of the LEAs responded with information , as did nearly all GCE and CSE Boards , the City and Guilds and the RSA .
11 For snorting up your nose you want cocaine about twenty per cent .
12 Does the Chancellor recognise that his optimism about 2.25 per cent .
13 In the past 12 months alone , burglaries are down almost 8 per cent , car crime around 50 per cent .
14 As she looked around she felt a twinge of sadness that in a carriage where 70 per cent of the commuters were men there were five women forced to stand in the aisle .
15 The formula for calculating the tension of an open-wound string is likely to give a figure over 10 per cent too high because the theory behind it does not consider the deviation of the winding wire from a circular cross-section as it is bent around the core .
16 At present approximately 50 per cent of the SSL 's purchase grant is spent on periodicals ; this proportion will rise annually as prices increase without a matching increase in the purchase grant .
17 In terms of world production , OPEC output was estimated over the second half of 1988 and the first half of 1989 to have represented about 34 per cent of the total ; in addition approximately 20 per cent was produced by the Soviet Union and about 15 per cent by the United States , around 5 per cent each by Mexico and China , and about 3 per cent each by the United Kingdom and Canada .
18 In the first week of the campaign only 44 per cent of the public felt Labour was a clear second in the opinion polls and as many as 19 per cent said the Alliance was running second .
19 In the first week of the campaign only 5 per cent of television 's election news focused on defence , only 3 per cent of the electorate thought the parties were stressing the issue , and only 3 per cent wished them to do so .
20 No wonder only 10 per cent of American adults have a valid passport ; why bother to go abroad when you have all this at home .
21 He found that in the neutral condition , where no particular inference was confirmed or disconfirmed by subsequent information , all potential inferences were falsely identified as having occurred in a passage about 25 per cent of the time .
22 ‘ The budget simply reflects that we have fewer people out of work about 30 per cent less than in 1987 .
23 The health and lifestyle survey reported that overall about 70 per cent of the British population reported that they ‘ did things ’ to promote their health .
24 In the northern temperate zone the values are about 50 per cent higher than these estimates , and in the southern temperate zone about 50 per cent lower .
25 For instance , two postures given by blue ties threatening each other at a bird table accurately predict escape about 90 per cent of the time ( Figure 3 ) .
26 Whereas among the Bolsheviks in this early period about 80 per cent were Great Russians , the proportion among the Mensheviks was only a third .
27 An aid specialist had told me that before the Gulf crisis about thirty per cent of the rubbish collected by the Baghdad municipality was food scraps .
28 The total number of paupers ( i.e. recipients of poor relief was never in this period over 5 per cent of the population of England and Wales in any one year .
29 But thanks to the newspapers , now circulating millions of copies in a population over 80 per cent literate , birth control was ‘ brought onto every Englishman 's breakfast table ’ ( Banks and Banks 1954 ) .
30 While business was buoyant there was a living in it for many small shops that are liable to succumb in a climate where 40 per cent of the country are wanting independent deals , and the remainder are demanding much improved advice and service .
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