Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 think feminism has to provide a unified , positive alternative for all women , in order for them to be able not only to know about but to reject and try to escape subordination ( 1979 : 129 ) .
2 ‘ Let me tell you , ’ she yelled , ‘ Boyd and I are somebodies in this town , and mostly because I was smart enough to set to and cultivate the right people . ’
3 Training with Molly and Toxi followed , with piano tuition from Rita Horton ; she qualified in 1960 , only to move on and become a trainer in 1965 .
4 It has been a year of controversy for Brady as the club has still to decide on whether to move to a new home at Cambuslang or remain at Celtic Park .
5 Parables are simple stories , easy both to listen to and understand .
6 And it allows companies both to contribute to and benefit from election campaigns .
7 PCT ( Personal Construct Theory ) , originated by Kelly ( 1955 ) , is based upon a concept of the individual as an active meaning-maker and participant in the world , able both to contemplate upon and extend his/her understanding of it .
8 But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of .
9 Is he really to appear as if tripping himself up and thus about to fall ?
10 Why in 1944 , when there was so much else to think about and to do , did those three key documents appear ?
11 I tapped them blindly to sound as if counting them out .
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