Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Milton 's maintenance of the traditional Renaissance literary values of art , imitation , and exercise allowed him to be appropriated by a culturally elitist agenda indivisibly caught up with an elitist social and political agenda .
2 So we 're going to keep we 're going to try and keep our costs on this obviously stripped down to an absolute minimum .
3 He also told them that a thin palladium wire , only ¼ inch in diameter and an inch long , had reached the boiling point of water within a few minutes , that the wire produced about 26 watts of energy per cm 3 , ‘ about four and a half times what we put into it ’ and that in an early stage of the experiments the apparatus suddenly heated up to an estimated 5000 degrees , vaporising a block of palladium , destroying a fume cupboard and damaging the concrete floor .
4 Rather it is necessarily fuzzed out by an amount which is of the size of the wavelength of the light employed .
5 Large leaves may need support from a cane or , in the case of ficus , can be gently rolled up with an elastic band .
6 Nevertheless , adoption of the bill was only pushed through after an angry demonstration outside the Supreme Soviet building on Aug. 18 in protest at blatant delaying tactics by Gumbaridze .
7 There are one or two passably funny lines which fail to make up a coherent , witty whole but are suddenly shot out from an invisible pea-shooter as if whipped from Ms Rudner 's stand-up routine .
8 An attacker can be quite literally tied up in an excruciatingly painful arm twist in seconds .
9 He 's like a gazelle , Lee thought , that once ran free and now finds itself all tied up in an unregulated zoo .
10 Meredith was suddenly swept up in an insane desire to impress , well , produce something decent .
11 But the bike is only cranked over for an instant before the Australian wrenches it upright and turns on the throttle .
12 But the odds were weighted against reason , and other parts of the mind , like some Resistance movement long held down in an oppressed country , came out into the open .
13 Mud , as a solution to the world 's housing problem , is thus caught up in an intricate economic , social and political web .
14 As we have already seen , if speech is to be recorded clearly it is best picked up by an extension microphone positioned close to the speaker .
15 ‘ Dear Loretta , ’ she read , ‘ I 've just come back from an official trip to Italy , and I squeezed in a visit to a peace camp while I was there .
16 The initial research is generally a one-man job ; the production is often best carried out by an established firm .
17 Instead they are normally closed out by an offsetting sale or purchase beforehand .
18 His more general position is perhaps best summed up by an extract from the speech he made at 3.10 in the morning of 20 May 1992 during the Second Reading of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill .
19 Later that century the Empire was finally split up into an eastern and a western part .
20 His dream had finally run out in an Arabian nightmare of high living and questionable favours .
21 Statements by the Brazilian President , José Sarney Costa , promising government action to evict gold prospectors , or garimpeiros , from the Yanomami Indian reserve in the northern federal territory of Roraima [ see pp. 36459 ; 36794 ] were finally followed up by an eviction operation beginning on Jan. 4 , 1990 .
22 BY THE time they got to Woodstock they might have been half a million strong , but give them a few days in the mud and they 'd soon wandered off into an acid daze looking for luxuries like a toilet , somewhere to sleep and a decent tofu burger .
23 This volume was thus very largely taken up with an exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity , not as a second-order theological construction , but as sketching the basis within God himself of the possibility and actuality of his making of himself known to us in jesus Christ .
24 People like EMF and Jesus Jones have had a go , but they 've always gone more for the rock aspect , with the technology just tagged on as an afterthought .
25 In the old days , Grandma was usually propped up on an upright chair and sat in the open door to enjoy the street scene .
26 Although the electorate needed , and were given , a clear signal that Labour had changed , the policy review is , more importantly , the most comprehensive piece of sustained policy development ever carried out by an opposition party .
27 Screening is always carried out in an academic , conscientious and rational manner . ’
28 The Marxist thesis that power lies with whoever controls the " means of production " , is usually mixed up with an egalitarian thesis that each producer has a natural moral right to the power which his production generates .
29 In the Baghdad Times , the English-language newspaper , the Presidential Guard were always written up as an elite force .
30 Expensive-looking loafers , preferably made out of an endangered species , remain essential for any aspiring manager .
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