Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But they appeared to me as if seen through the wrong end of a telescope , muted and unreal .
2 You waited outside in the street for up to two hours , and then , when you got to the box office , the passes were heaped in no known order , and Tory office girls scrabbled through piles of them as if digging for hidden bones .
3 Below them were straight roads ridged above the fields , with villages strung along them as if clinging to the security of high ground ; isolated farms with their roofs so low that they looked half submerged in the peat ; an occasional church tower standing majestically apart from its village with the gravestones planted round it like crooked teeth .
4 Shadows moved all around them as if coming to life .
5 He held her face between his two hands and his glance penetrated her as if to see into her soul as he asked , ‘ Are you seeing any of those actors ?
6 We emerged from the shadow of the station into the bright light of noon , and Daffodil Quentin under her sunburst of curls made an entrance from the dome car end , looking about her as if accustomed to people leaping up to help .
7 At the sound of her approach , their heads swivelled towards her as if pulled by strings , their expressions transfixed by astonishment and alarm .
8 Becoming aware that Michele was studying her as if tuning into her thoughts , she hurriedly indicated the colourful pageant moving against the magnificent backdrop of St Mark 's and the clock tower , and said , ‘ It 's wonderful , is n't it ? ’
9 Ruth knew there was something strange about him , but it seemed to take her an age to work out what it was : he was wearing a green cloak , and its folds drifted round him as if floating in water .
10 His crime has brought him to the extremity which Marmeladov was telling him about and tasting at the bottom of his own vodka jug in the opening pages of the novel .
11 Take it back to the shop that you bought it from and ask for your money back .
12 I 've been meaning for many weeks now to pass on 's French address , which filtered through to us in January — but of course you may already have had it from or heard from Janet yourself .
13 ‘ What better note to end it on than to win in a team situation and when you are playing for your country ?
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