Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [vb base] [pron] can " in BNC.

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1 Though if you give them enough notice they can do almost anything …
2 She said , ‘ I only hope they can leave you alone for one night . ’
3 I only hope I can make it . ’
4 Radio operator Paul , who is serving with the Second Battalion Royal Irish Regiment , said : ‘ Gillian is the perfect bride I only hope I can be as good a husband . ’
5 I only pray you can bear what I 've told you like a grown girl , and have sense .
6 I just know I can do better , ’ said one .
7 ‘ If they manage that , I just hope we can force Liverpool into making as many errors as in the first leg . ’
8 I just hope we can catch up with him before he gets knocked down by a car or finds his way off the roads into open countryside or woodland where it will be harder to find him . ’
9 They are definitely beatable and I just hope we can exploit any weaknesses they have .
10 Well , I just hope we can
11 I just hope I can do her justice .
12 I just hope I can get into college .
13 I just hope I can keep shooting birdies like I have in the first two rounds . ’
14 I just feel you can smoke in the privacy of your own room , car , whatever .
15 I just think you can get more sustain that way .
16 I always say you can be frightening , Lydia , ’ said Betty .
17 Well , I could have but then I always think I can do anything , do n't I ?
18 Now I want a top three medal , and I genuinely believe I can get one , ’ he said at the Luton social club where he runs one of the few silat classes in this country — there are less than a hundred active practitoners of the martial art in Britain .
19 If it comes I 'll take it because I still feel I can score goals . ’
20 ‘ I feel absolutely exhausted — but because a lot of good people finished behind me I still feel anything can happen . ’
21 But I still believe we can do it . ’
22 I still believe we can detect this crime , ’ he said .
23 ‘ But I still believe I can do it here .
24 ‘ But I still believe I can win a World or Olympic title — I would n't still be running if I did n't think that . ’
25 However , I still think we can win the Championship .
26 We are beginning to play some good stuff but I still think we can step u Arsenal were quickly off the mark , going ahead after only five minutes when a long David Seaman clearance found its way to Lee Dixon , whose early pass picked out Alan Smith .
27 Because I can see through it I still think I can escape .
28 I hardly think we can afford beef , particularly uneatable beef , such as the piece you cooked for us yesterday . ’
29 I hardly think you can call that a child ! ’
30 I also hope we can promote the concept of coastal zone management through our proposed coastal study , which I am discussing with Mike Gash and Eira Hughes .
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