Example sentences of "[noun pl] may be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The maps may be of surrounding areas and zoomed right up to detailed floor-plan scale .
2 Similar relationships may be of equal importance in the diabetic subject .
3 Secondly , in family abuse , the history of the relationships may be of great significance in current abuse .
4 Sometimes these disputes may be between large private organizations when companies argue about the terms of a commercial contract .
5 Lines may be curved , zig-zag or straight , for example , and blobs may be of different sizes .
6 Antibodies of IgA class directed against Saccharomyces cerviciae are common in Crohn 's disease but not in ulcerative colitis , and determination of such antibodies may be of diagnostic help .
7 it has the potential to clean the subsurface more thoroughly than other schemes , because the microorganisms may be in intimate contact with all parts of the aquifer , both solid and liquid .
8 However con descending contemporary apologists may be to archaic conceptions of divine intervention , it is almost impossible to exaggerate the extent to which belief in such intervention once permeated European societies , creating popular images of the disruption of nature that could hardly have been congenial to a critical science of nature .
9 Because of the immediate nature of such patients ' problems it is important that whatever form of help is offered should be available without too much delay , and for this reason health-centre-based therapists may be of particular value , as has been shown in the case of psychologists ( Robson et al. 1984 ) and social workers ( Shepherd et al. 1979 ) .
10 Applicants may be in full-time employment , self employment or unemployed .
11 Eye pigments occurring in the ommatidial cells of some insects may be of special interest since studies of their metabolism reveal something of the mode of action of genes controlling eye colour .
12 However , unemployment in agriculture consistently runs above the national average and while certain specialist workers may be in short supply they form only a small part of the labour force .
13 One avenue for provision of such resources may be through collective bargaining .
14 The bill of quantities may be of limited use because many items of the work will be presented in a summarised form .
15 The concept of parental rights may be in serious general decline — ‘ it has become increasingly difficult to reconcile its existence with the predominant emphasis which the law now places on the welfare of children ’ .
16 But however effective these arguments may be in political debate , that does not make them necessarily adequate as theoretical explanations of racism .
17 Often these regions may be in other nations .
18 This means that Citibank can have a very good year even though many of its loans may be in serious trouble .
19 This caution is reinforced by a second reason , which in practical terms may be of paramount importance , the fear of being the object of a legal action at the suit of parents , guardians , or relatives , who might allege that the patient was neglected , and would urge that the patient 's refusal should not have been relied upon .
20 It is true that in some cases these publications may be of extreme radical tendency , attacking the established practices of academic English teaching , but that is no objection , since it is the fact of publication that counts , not its content .
21 It is thought that form of insulin may not always give vital warnings of low blood sugar , such as hunger or sweating , and that patients may be at increased risk of slipping unawares into a coma .
22 Variable names may be of unlimited length and all characters are significant .
23 One of the chromosomes may be of abnormal shape .
24 The operands may be of different lengths ; if the first operand is shorter , the computer processes it as if it was extended on the left with zeros ; if the second ( destination ) field is shorter , some of the more significant digits of the result are lost .
25 However , brochures may be of varying kinds and history found within them in a variety of guises .
26 And these developments may be of regional or national importance and they 're usually footloose and and clearly would have very significant employment benefits for the local population .
27 A number of patents may be on shaky ground as far as novelty is concerned if sufficient time and effort were expended on trying to trace anticipatory materials .
28 The crowned heads and aristocrats may be in short supply today , but Baden is busier than ever .
29 A few taper to the top , such as the example from the cemetery at Berinsfield ( Oxfordshire ) ; some tapering vessels are bound with bronze , for example that from Droxford ( Hampshire ) , others may be of mixed construction such as those from Harwell ( Oxfordshire ) .
30 They have easy bleeding and bruising too ; catarrhal complaints may be with inflamed mucous membranes which bleed easily .
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