Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Like , how do you know what goes on , like with , dolphins , with whales , with all sorts of species of animals , like we do n't know , well we 're so dense we can only see things like this !
2 they do all sorts of combinations of things in India combined to make their lifestyle different but they would , some people in
3 Details of the methods of ascertainment of cases and verification of diagnostic and other information have been published elsewhere .
4 Anderson ( 1973 ) noted that great variety in the methods of recruitment of assistants , hours of work , and the amount of timetabled contact with special needs children .
5 The Fund covers the overseas branch offices of firms of solicitors , and the overseas branch offices of MNPs having 75% or more solicitor principals ; the indemnity contributions of such an MNP will be calculated on a world-wide basis .
6 The Sheikha had come to join us , her veils and silks carrying their aromas of attar of roses and jasmine and musk .
7 Heads of government of CIS member states , meeting in Moscow on Feb. 8 , signed five documents on economic matters , including a five-year agreement on the free transit of goods between CIS states , a ban on the re-export to third states of goods traded between CIS states for domestic consumption , and steep increases in freight and passenger rail costs , to , respectively , 8.3 and three times their end-1991 levels .
8 A committee of heads of state of countries neighbouring Ethiopia was established to aid the process of a return to normality , stability and security there .
9 Absorption is commonly used as a method of odour abatement where odour nuisance is the result of a gas stream becoming contaminated with low concentrations of mixtures of compounds such as fatty acids , ammonia , amines , sulphur dioxide , and perhaps to a lesser extent sulphides and organic sulphur compounds , i.e .
10 ( 1 ) Without prejudice to its other powers under this Act , a licensing board may make byelaws for any of the following purposes ( a ) for closing licensed premises wholly or partially on New Year 's Day , and on such other days not being more than four in any one year as the board may think expedient for special reasons ; ( b ) for prohibiting holders of licences from residing in their licensed premises , or for requiring the dwellinghouses of holders of licences to be separate from their licensed premises ; ( c ) for requiring all wines , made-wines and spirits sold by the holder of an off-sale licence to be sold in corked , stoppered or sealed vessels , cans , jars or casks ; ( d ) for requiring every holder of a hotel or public house licence to keep in his licensed premises and to renew from day to day a sufficient supply of drinking water , and such eatables as may be specified in the byelaw , and to display , offer and supply the same as may be required by the byelaw ; ( e ) for printing a list of all applications coming before any meeting of the licensing board , with such other information as may be considered necessary by the board ; ( f ) for the setting out of conditions which may be attached to licences for the improvement of standards of , and conduct in , licensed premises ; ( g ) for the granting of a licence of a type other than that applied for ; Provided that a byelaw made under paragraph ( c ) above shall not apply to licensed premises where no groceries are kept or sold and where a bona fide wholesale business in alcoholic liquor is carried on .
11 The dragons were for the procession , and were designed to be raised upon the shoulders of pairs of bearers .
12 part of the process of universal involvement in recognition of Artai as Lord of the Earth now necessitated the removal of the Dragon Throne — a solid piece of carving of the weight of seven thousand diram — with its occupant from the top of the plinth down to the concourse from whence it was destined to be borne on a processional route on the shoulders of teams of men of every degree in the Khanate , most of whom had been selected by lot , although there were a few who had paid out considerable sums in gold koban for the privilege of inclusion .
13 As regards its notoriety as a ‘ land of damnation and chains ’ , a domain of perpetual punishment and pain — this , too , is grimly rooted in the very real sufferings of generations of convicts , rebels , revolutionaries , common criminals and multitudes of often innocent men , women and children , who for nearly four centuries have dragged themselves along the ‘ road of chains ’ ( kandalnaya doroga ) leading beyond the Urals .
14 She saw in her mind 's eye rude naked women and flames as upright and stiff as those on the covers of boxes of fireworks .
15 Therefore , Piaroa boys are not constrained into learning the aggressive stance of young warriors to fight men of this world ; they do not learn to accept the dominance relationships of groups of men over other groups of men .
16 Hence , no doubt , the plots of her novels , which all revolve around the warm relationships of groups of characters .
17 He supports these contentions with the words of parents of children with trisomy 21 whose reactions to , and following , the birth of their children belie the simplified professional stereotypes which he sets beside them .
18 Photographers even took pictures of banks of screens , each flickering with North 's identical face .
19 The main currencies of issue of eurobonds are US dollars and Japanese yen .
20 Syntax covers the grammatical structure of groups , clauses , and sentences : the linear sequences of classes of words such as noun , verb , adverb , and adjective , and functional elements such as subject , predicator , and object , which are allowed in a given language .
21 From these categories it is possible to construct a matrix for different combinations of types of parties and classes of goods .
22 To the Romanian audience for these trials ( which were broadcast live on television ) , the lists of cartons of cigarettes or kilos of refrigerated meat were as fascinating as the tales of the riches of the Sultan in One Thousand and One Nights .
23 3c eight queens : ordered lists of numbers of vacancies
24 Lists of names of authors should not be differentiated according to gender , by using first names for female writers but only family names for male writers ( as in " Shakespeare , Milton , Jane Austen , Hardy " ) .
25 In terms of their information content , conventional floras contain lists of names of plants , with descriptions and illustrations , and keys for identification .
26 The Plaintiff must set down within six months of close of pleadings ; if no request is made within 15 months , the action is automatically struck out .
27 Although the effect of that direction is not peremptory , the plaintiff must be sure to request a hearing within 15 months of close of pleadings .
28 I move that the minutes of meetings of committees and sub-committees in sofar as they require confirmation be confirmed by the council , Except with regard to any matters still under consideration .
29 The correlations for subtests of groups of items on a particular topic were mostly between 0.6 and 0.8 , although two were 0.4 and 0.5 respectively .
30 The aim of the programme is to develop the skills of parents of babies and young children and build up their self-esteem by :
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