Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Advances in medical knowledge might lead to the conclusion that some are simply too dangerous : there has long been a debate about the status of boxing , with increasing knowledge of the risks of brain damage to boxers .
2 But what is new is MPMG 's success in introducing the tactics of management consultancy to the world of the arts .
3 But other sorts of research need to be done on the spot .
4 It applied the methods of Kent campus to imaginary grievances in a divided , or divisible , community in Northern Ireland .
5 Of course , there is nothing to stop the marinist practising all methods of nitrate reduction to be on the safe side .
6 On Aug. 24 a 45-truck WFP convoy arrived in Gelib , southern Somalia , carrying 450 tonnes of food and by Sept. 2 the WFP had flown in four planeloads of food aid to Bardera .
7 You 'd be surprised how many specks of dust stick to them from underneath .
8 The Second Vice-President took over defence of the Bill in the House and turned the discussion away from considerations of press freedom to a critique of newspapers like the Standard , which were owned by capitalists .
9 Individual attributions of guilt point to left or right often according to the ideological standpoint of the scholar — and , it must be stressed , the vision of history which this implies .
10 Indicators of the impacts of science need to be broadened to include training and networks , as well as direct knowledge transfer , according to Pavitt .
11 Supporters of devolution point to the differences inherent in the administration of Scotland which would assist a more independently-run nation .
12 Large numbers of laypeople from all walks of life resort to them for back disorders , often after having tried conventional medical approaches unsuccessfully .
13 Some of the methods developed for policy optimization have been installed by PROPE on the computers of HM Treasury to be used with research work on the Treasury model .
14 As noted by Kelsall ( 1979 ) , if the development of appreciative faculties is thought to be an important goal of art education then ‘ … approaches to achieving this goal by means other than those based exclusively on the productive aspects of art need to be developed ’ .
15 In addition it would enable correspondence that deals with several aspects of Council Tax to be dealt with at the same time and a co-ordinated response to be prepared by nominated officers .
16 The problems that have beset the project , however , are a result not of misjudgement or incompetence but of real difficulties associated with infrared astronomy , which have meant that IRAS has required certain aspects of space technology to be developed well beyond previous limits .
17 Other aspects of distortion need to be taken into account before finally trying to sort out what the information indicates .
18 However , by the early 1980s some LEAs began to adopt more prescriptive approaches , insisting on school policies fostering racial equality within given time limits ( e.g. ILEA , Brent ) , prescribing aspects of headteacher behaviour to ethnic minority parents ( e.g. Bradford ) , making certain forms of racist behaviour a disciplinary offence ( e.g. Manchester ) or establishing central mechanisms to decide upon school suspensions and so removing power from Heads and Governors ( e.g. Birmingham ) .
19 In a later work , Todd ( 1987 ) linked aspects of family structure to another variable — literacy — which is closely associated with economic and social development : the more literate societies are the more developed .
20 The text opens with the words of St Paul to the Ephesians ( 4:1 ) videte vocacionem vestram ; the copy in the manuscript belonging to the Yorkshire man , Robert Thornton , renders this vividly as " seese callynge " [ seese : take possession of ] .
21 Partial implementation of the system has already shown benefits : half the usual number of engineering changes on one new model ; on another , cost savings of $300m thanks to early suggestions from sections of the company that would not normally have seen designs until they had been fixed .
22 The manifestations range from subclinical derangements of coagulation tests to life threatening haemorrhage .
23 However , the matter at issue in the cases now before the court is not access by vessels of member states to fishing activities in the Community but access by nationals of member states to vessels and to the operation of vessels .
24 In a context where unemployed whites think that unemployment would be solved by ‘ repatriation ’ of black people and , generally , the adoption of National Front-type policies , are the facilitating roles of community education to be used ?
25 These connotations of seriousness lead to academic writing having a rather formal register , which is for example different from the register of everyday speech .
26 Already heavily into drugs , he dropped out of Hollywood and went East , following in the unsteady steps of Bobby Driscoll to the New York drug scene .
27 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
28 Irwin and Paul Ince were booked for ungentlemanly conduct as the referee added nine minutes of injury time to a tepid second-half which was in contrast to the excitement of the first .
29 The film subsisted on funds that Dorfmann would gather along the way by showing ten or fifteen minutes of cut film to prospective investors .
30 Tyson , the man who rose from the ghettos of New York to the pinnacle of boxing success , had his world destroyed when he was judged guilty of violating a beauty queen whom he was convicted of luring to his room and raping .
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