Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 The amazing naked cat — the Canadian Sphynx — lacks both guard and awn hairs and has only a soft fuzz of down hairs on its extremities .
2 Your recollections will no doubt revive a lot of memories for many of our older readers and provide quite a few talking points for younger ones .
3 The gardener narrowed long , grey-blue eyes and made never a move .
4 The vestry itself was so familiar from childhood memories that Dalgliesh could have taken one quick glance , shut his eyes and spoken aloud an inventory of high church piety : the packets of incense on top of the cupboard ; the incense holder and censer ; the crucifix and , behind the faded red serge curtain , the lace-trimmed vestments and the short starched surplices of the choir .
5 But , while this is broadly true , many do this within only general guidelines and have therefore an important , if subordinate , policy-making role .
6 In 1969 he formed a committee to raise funds and got together a band of volunteers who transformed the churchyard .
7 His red , lumpy features were transfigured and he stopped being a badly assembled mass of fleshy fragments and became instead a vital man .
8 He conquered Cyprus in three months and established there a base of operations for the Christian forces in the East .
9 When he had turned two corners and gone about a quarter of a mile , he gave Dann the pistol .
10 Relatively recently , feminist scholars , now drawn closer through common experience to an older generation many of whose values they had challenged , have extended their concerns and pushed forward a more subtle questioning of women 's experience of ageing and how it might differ from men 's as a result of inequalities right through the life cycle .
11 At this time I began , having been converted through reading the gospels , carefully to read the book of Acts and discovered there a level of Christian effectiveness of which I knew very little .
12 The American space agency , NASA , already allows access to data from climate research satellites and makes only a minimal charge .
13 South of Loch Hourn is the wilderness of Knoydart known as the Rough Bounds , a region entirely without motor roads and having only a few lonely and unfrequented tracks through the mountain fastnesses .
14 Beneath the castle he proposes to open a bay in the woods and build there a cottage that ‘ will give an air of cheerfulness and inhabitancy to the scene which would without it be too sombre , because the castle tho ’ perfectly in character with the solemn dignity of the surrounding woods , increases rather than relieves the apparent solitude ’ .
15 It was not itself a centre of manufacturing , but it outstripped all other ports as a point of transit for English exports and became thereby a major entrepot of international trade .
16 It is even cheaper to pool your resources with four or five other bands and put together a composite album .
17 Such battalions had the additional valve that they made liaison practicable between the UDA and the law and order sensitive rural paramilitary organisations and kept open a bridge of respectability into UDA circles over which even pre-election politicians could come and go .
18 They defeated Rother and Grange ‘ C ’ by wide margins and need only a few more points to be totally beyond reach .
19 Use leaves from your most decorative house plants and add just a few perfect blooms to create a beautiful corsage for a special occasion .
20 They would however presumably agree that since the great majority of manufacturing firms are small businesses and employ only a small number of people , there would still be scope in manufacture for a considerable extension of the industrial co-operative sector .
21 He never found work , made no male friends and had only a passing acquaintance with people in a local pub , including the 20-year-old barmaid .
22 He is current chairman of Cleveland Art Society , which has around 100 members and meets once a week at Middlesbrough Art Gallery .
23 In the face of the dreadful attacks on police officers , the Home Office should have put together an urgent review team which should have incorporated other Departments and put forward a package of measures .
24 What could be more appropriate at Christmas than to remember children who have been deserted by their mothers and know only a hospital as home .
25 Some search consultants span these two worlds and have both a functional and an industry discipline .
26 We made it a bit more Kinks-y and added just a little bit of flamenco , but how can you improve a great song like that ? ’
27 The smoothing recipe described below generally gives satisfactory results and involves only a limited amount of computational effort .
28 This is when members are divided into two squadrons and allocated either an 8.30am or 12.30pm session on either day .
29 His father was very proud of his house because he had built it on a bit of land at Low Fields and did quite a lot of the construction work himself , with the help of his bachelor brother , Tommy .
30 Crichton Smith avoids any overt psychological probing of Hector 's impulsive decision to flee his civilian job and join the army , of the sterility of his loveless marriage , and the contrasting warmth of his affection for his fighting men and presents instead a series of almost filmic images of orioles and hoopoes in the mountains of embattled Afghan istan ; of ghostly white dervishes attacking spindly-legged Sudanese troops ; and finally , of a heavy , tormented man , alone in a Paris hotel room , with nothing before him but disgrace and death .
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