Example sentences of "[noun pl] be that [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What moves me very deeply about primitive peoples is that they still attach an enormous importance to a certain kind of communication which we have lost ; and that is that they allow the being of the person they are with to communicate with more than words .
2 A key weakness of conventional forecasting methods is that they often fail to capture the ‘ turning points ’ — the onset of recession or the beginning of recovery .
3 One of her fears for the future of white water rodeos is that they almost inevitably will become more serious competitions and less friendly .
4 But the main problem with defectors is that they quickly run out of crown jewels and then inevitably resort to inventing what they think their new-found paymasters want to hear in order to extend their usefulness and avoid being discarded to end their days washing dishes in a Hungarian restaurant in downtown Washington .
5 We talk later in this chapter about the use of other people 's words , making the point that one problem with other people 's words is that they usually make more sense where they come from than where you put them in your essay .
6 One strange thing about her books is that they nearly all tend to be set a little bit back in the past , so that the position of the women that she is describing and the society in which she is describing them is n't quite what 's actually going on a the time she 's writing .
7 But one of the ironies of life in the border districts was that it also produced Poles who became more German the more nearly they were incorporated into the Polish state , and Poles and Jews whose political opinions were so far to the right that only their ethnic , religious or national identity stood between them and the Nazi Party .
8 A major problem with newsletters to parents is that they frequently do n't get to their destination .
9 A constant problem with promoting all four gardens is that we never have enough leaflets to supply all the outlets that request them .
10 The trouble with planners is that they often persuaded themselves that they could and should impose their plans on other people .
11 with Frude 's assertion that one of the advantages of hackers is that they generally become very proficient programmers .
12 The difficulty with all these criticisms is that they never specified exactly what was the ‘ correct ’ style for Nonconformist chapels .
13 The two drawbacks were that it initially took a long time to get into , and it was hot — the first problem was solved , the second not .
14 The attraction of technology transfer to SMEs is that it often involves incremental improvements to products and processes which offer a rapid return and reduced risk .
15 Leaving aside the fact , to which we will return in a moment , that less skilled people can usually be paid less wages than those who are skilled , an important characteristic of craft workers is that they often exercise tight control as an occupation over the job that they do .
16 Another advantage of such places is that they often have someone on hand to keep an eye on the exhibitions .
17 Another thing that distinguished Mario back in the very earliest days was that he always wanted to win at everything .
18 A less exciting but equally innovative characteristic of princely officials was that they now existed in sufficient numbers to be used to check up on one another .
19 Now one of the problems is that they no longer perhaps group together in self-supportive units .
20 One of our major industrial problems is that we usually do not ask enough of our people .
21 I just want to read three anecdotes which , and I mean I 've given you sort of odd statistics and the advantage of anecdotes is that they actually put flesh on the bones I think , and they really give you a sense of what it meant to be er a peasant in China in the nineteen thirties .
22 However , a particular feature of the provisions on Cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs is that they expressly envisage that certain matters may be transferred to Community competence .
23 The problem with adult learners is that they already have strategies for grammatical analysis and can efficiently use context in communication .
24 That 's the thing that so easy with electric cookers is that you just have to buy the element .
25 At the time it was found that a major drawback in dual-purpose cattle was that they often failed to breed true : the offspring tended towards either the beef or the dairy type of the breed 's dual-purpose spectrum , partly because of breeders ' preferences but partly , it was believed , because the dual-purpose breeds were effectively hybrids : if they had begun to show too great an emphasis on dairy characteristics , extreme beef sires were introduced to draw them back to their dual-purpose role , and likewise extreme dairy sires were used when they became too beefy .
26 A common criticism of both these theories is that they simply look at the end result of education ; they are examples of an ‘ input/output ’ model .
27 One of the most important things about constructive arguments is that they almost have to be step by step .
28 An important point to remember about EOG recordings made using EEG amplifiers is that they never give direct information about the direction of gaze — only changes in direction — and the rate at which the galvanometer pens return to the midline of the paper chart is determined by the time constant setting .
29 One of the persistent misconceptions about professional work in the human service occupations is that it mainly takes place face to face with clients or patients and that time spent with others about the client or patient is a necessary but regrettable adjunct to the real work .
30 One of the major reasons for the widespread failure of rural developments is that it usually does not serve the interests of the people at whom it is ostensibly aimed .
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