Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] and i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The contractions stopped and I wondered for the hundredth time what my son would look like .
2 Lisabeth 's eyes clouded and I knew I 'd done enough .
3 I 'd been looking down all the time we were talking , but he made me look up then , and our eyes met and I know something passed between us .
4 So the weeks and months passed and I went to the local fire station once and sometimes twice a week and listened to lectures by firemen on firefighting and war organisation and what different officers wear in undress and fire uniform .
5 But erm I felt as though , I felt exactly the same , I felt I 'd just been asleep I just had my eyes shut and I felt opening one eye to have a look out and see what people were doing .
6 He breathed deeply with his eyes shut and I smelt a baked saltiness coming from his jeans and was reminded of Franky .
7 I looked at what all those other glamour pusses produced and I thought , Edna , you can knock them into a cocked hat .
8 ‘ I am top of the averages of the England bowlers selected and I think I am bowling as well as anyone in the side at the moment .
9 I meant to ask if they 'd had the go-karts nicked and I forgot .
10 And I joined the the engineer 's union , one Saturday night in Newark , had to go back there and they had meetings in the townhall , a room that was hired and er was er particulars taken and I 've been in ever since .
11 Yes and I I I think y my Lord the plaintiffs will be cross examined quite considerably on the damages claimed and I think it might help your Lordship to see erm the way .
12 Things changed and I got married and I should accept things as they are .
13 The lights changed and I let in the clutch .
14 The ambulances arrived and I saw people being carried into them all covered in blood . ’
15 There are other personalities involved and I do not want to hurt anybody .
16 I have carefully considered all the comments submitted and I have today written to the sponsors of the applications separately , setting out my decisions .
17 And then , only six hours later , the pains returned and I had to repeat the dose .
18 Other hon. Members intervened and I thought that the debate was developing along ’ them and us ’ or north-south lines .
19 Er , I 've been robbed and swindled , er I was burgled two months ago , my house was wrecked all my jewellery every thing taken simply because I had left my windows open slightly , now I 've got to sleep at night with all my windows closed and I do n't get a good nights sleep apart from feeling insecure any way and er the swindle er I trusted people and now I ca n't trust any body and that leaves you feeling very insecure .
20 I waited a thousand years for my introduction , then the curtains opened and I found myself centre-stage .
21 And it , now she 's got to have the curtains replaced and I wondered if it was him who 'd come
22 I have four cigarettes left and I need many more .
23 It was one of these African leaders who said : ‘ In the war-torn North-East of Rhodesia , I saw white men killed and I saw black men killed .
24 Only three boys understood and I got them to explain in Arabic to the rest .
25 A few more boys arrived and I began to realise the terrible blunder I had made .
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