Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 10.0 and 4.8 kb M.spretus -specific fragments cosegregated in this analysis and defined the Oct-11a locus .
2 It was easily accessible from the Awash railway station and was one of the few areas in Abyssinia where wild animals survived in any number .
3 Where there is nothing to show that the parties have used language in any other than its strict and ordinary sense , and where the words interpreted in that sense are sensible with reference to extrinsic circumstances , it is an inflexible rule of construction that the words shall be interpreted in that strict and primary sense even though they may be capable of some popular or secondary interpretation and even though the most conclusive evidence of the intention to use them in such popular sense is tendered ( Enlayde Ltd v Roberts [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 109 : obligation to reinstate property destroyed by fire included an obligation to reinstate where the destruction was caused by incendiary bombs ) .
4 For the time being let me conclude by admitting that the considerations adumbrated in this section do not prove the dependence thesis .
5 It was far worse for the Arabs whose homes lay in that part of Palestine in which the United Nations had decided to locate the new state of Israel .
6 Interestingly , authors appeared in this group with a frequency more than twice that found in the population at large .
7 All 49 subjects participated in this study after giving written informed consent .
8 Altogether teachers from 36 schools participated in these groups ; a member of the project team was assigned to each group and meetings were initially held once or twice a term .
9 Whenever I seemed to advance towards him , my steps deviated in some way .
10 Shells burst in many directions other than those intended .
11 The high molecular weight proteins phosphorylated in this experiment are proteins endogenous to the nuclear extract ( lanes 7 and 8 ) .
12 When the milk teeth came in that shape , Dinah had taken no heed ; no doubt the matter would rectify itself in time .
13 Her parents lived in another part of the country and her husband was in the army and away for long periods of time .
14 Some of these early nautiloids occurred in such abundance that they are conspicuous enough to form an appreciable part of limestone formations — the ‘ Orthoceras Limestone ’ ( Ordovician ) is one of these , widely distributed through Scandinavia .
15 Low pepsinogen A:C ratios occurred in all patients with hypertrophic gastropathy , in eight ( 38.1% ) with duodenal ulcer patients , in one ( 2.3% ) patient with chronic renal failure , and in five ( 35.7% ) patients on longterm omeprazole treatment .
16 She said problems for parents came in all shapes and sizes , adding that perhaps too many of them emanated from ‘ that flickering box in the corner of the living room ’ .
17 ‘ Our resident poet could sing of Stalinvast 's lethal festering jungles which I never saw ; and of viscous scabs blasted in those jungles by a host of weapons ; and of all the reef-cities which I never saw either , infested with their slaving grimy weapons-makers .
18 Don caster was soon the second largest railway centre in Britain and lines intersected in all directions .
19 ( N.B. not all companies participated in all aspects of the survey either by express wish for total confidentiality or by unavailability for interview ) .
20 The central position which the Communists occupied in these campaigns was a result of their international connections , which made them appear as the principal opponents of Fascism .
21 Although there are differences between them , each addresses in its own way the range of concerns sketched in this Introduction .
22 ( The Financial Times of June 21 noted that these countries had in any case serviced only about 5 per cent of these debts in 1989/90 . )
23 Usually God 's blessing on the fruit of the land is sought , with a reading and prayers said in some field or farmyard .
24 The filing-cabinets ran in all directions , and these were only the cards and the photographs .
25 I knew that both picture books and bookshops came in all shapes and sizes , but I naively assumed we 'd simply conquer that hurdle with some stunning innovative design .
26 Not of course that the comparisons seemed in any way apposite at the time .
27 STATIONS came in all shapes and sizes , and served a multiplicity of functions .
28 She had hoped his ideas lay in another direction , like an engagement ring .
29 Further rebel attacks resulted in more deaths , the destruction of a helicopter and numerous government buildings , and the severing of power lines .
30 These weaknesses appeared in many forms .
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