Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is no more than the action of clashing their teeth together as if sinking them into the neck of the prey , in the specialized killing bite of the cat , but it has become a sound signal that many observers have commented on .
2 She indicated that it was a musical film and then stretched her perfect fingertips above her eyes horizontally as if scanning the horizon .
3 The merchant rubbed his hands together as if trying to wash them .
4 Both the pulsar and its companion have masses close to and move in tight orbits which would almost fit inside the Sun ( is one solar mass ) .
5 As they walked , Blake heard the Doctor talking to himself , counting numbers quickly as if trying to catch himself out .
6 There is always the chance that they could — ’ The Manchu expanded his hands outward as if to indicate the idea that the population of Tarvaras might explode out into the galaxy .
7 and this is something I could change my hands slightly about and come back and speak to you
8 Rover 's 35,000-strong workforce votes today on whether to accept Japanese-style working practices that will virtually guarantee them jobs for life .
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