Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 However , the sums of the deficits and surpluses exactly offset one another so that all sectors together have neither a surplus nor a deficit .
2 Unfortunately I do n't think they have n't confirmed as they usua most organizations usually do about a week beforehand er by phone , to make sure it 's alright , and I 've lost their letter .
3 They have been loyal with their money , as well as their feelings , to the 10m who still live in Greece ; their remittances still cover about a sixth of the trade gap ( see table 4 on next page ) .
4 Traditional electron microscopes , which emit beams of electrons and watch them bounce off the surface , can see much smaller details but their pictures usually give only a poor impression of the relief of the surface .
5 Voluntary organisations like the Rainer Foundation are at last being listened to and boroughs that ten years ago might have had a dozen children 's homes now have only a couple .
6 In Northampton , the Pratts were innholders from the reign of Henry VIII to George I , the Lyons family lasted for four generations and in the mid-seventeenth century had three brothers who were prominent in the trade , and the Peaches eventually acquired quite a chain of inns .
7 deadlines , a lot of these trusts only meet once a quarter
8 Permeable areas usually have only a few streams , but they flow with little variation throughout the year and rarely flood .
9 It does make a sort of sense : everyone must be born and die , but how many general directors nowadays last even a respectable fraction of 20 years ?
10 In brief , then , EC countries currently enjoy only a limited degree of monetary autonomy and this applies only to the very short run .
11 It is impossible to imagine their ever retaking control , but at a philosophical level the estrangement of the party from some of the old landed values still seems more a separation than a divorce .
12 Climbers usually need only a light pruning , ( a ) , to build up strong main stems and develop lateral side shoots .
13 Government research says that the presence of dioxins in flue gases from plants such as that at Pontypool ‘ are in the low range of parts per trillion ’ ( one part per trillion is of the order of 30 seconds in a million years , or one ounce in 28 million tons ) , and that all the UK PCB-destroying plants together emit only a ‘ few grammes per year ’ .
14 Usually such classes only run once a year , which may leave someone who has come to the point of decision too late for that year 's class in limbo for several months .
15 It 's followed 's Road most of the way but it 's it went different routes some places just to take away a steep .
16 The standing commissions usually met twice a year to examine relevant sections of the Five Year Plan , the budget and any laws pertaining to their area of interest .
17 An investigation by the Building Research Establishment a few years ago identified over a thousand different kinds of faults in new homes under construction .
18 The elaborate songs of male birds clearly fit best a manipulatory interpretation .
19 Young birds also have quite a small black beak during their first winter .
20 You 've got no more money but twenty pounds so taking away a negative number is the same as adding , yeah ?
21 Some sole practitioners pointed out their accountants already visited twice a year at the firms ' request , but the majority complained about the cost of the proposal and queried whether or not the whole profession would be required to comply .
22 CONFERENCE delegates yesterday swept aside a warning from the party leadership and called for the next Labour government to take back into public ownership immediately land sold off by privatised water companies .
23 Since rainfall controls plant growth , and plants are the base of the food pyramid , deserts typically have only a short period when food is abundant ; it is during this time that the creatures of the desert must complete their breeding cycle .
24 As the Chief Secretary has no doubt noticed , the Government 's figures today indicate yet a further fall in investment in the manufacturing sector .
25 The life-shortening effect in LAWER is claimed to be ‘ smaller than that in euthanasia because the patients usually have only a few hours or days to live ’ .
26 In a field where biological material is limited , experimental cytogenetic techniques often require only a few cells .
27 The patients then received either a single injection of 6 µg/kg pentagastrin ( peptavlon , ICI Pharmaceuticals , UK ) subcutaneously or an intravenous infusion of 0.6 mg/kg/h over one hour .
28 With a high proportion of the divers observed in Sussex not specifically identified , the figures quoted under the specific headings only represent about a third of the divers seen .
29 Individual service departments usually have quite a clear understanding of their own legal responsibilities , but are often not too sure how their work relates to other parts of the local authority empire .
30 and the changed is to have those charges automatically updated once a year
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