Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Foreign imports into Britain continued to grow rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s while UK exports of manufactures levelled off from the late 1970s , making the UK a net importer of manufactured goods for the first time in the long history we have described ( Figure 2.1 ) .
2 A myriad becks tumbled down from the hills into the valleys and dales below , cutting a gorge here or following the old meltwater channels there .
3 In a television address , he called on deputies to pull back from the brink .
4 In a television address , he called on deputies to pull back from the brink .
5 Sharp icicles fly out from the caster 's hand and strike the first unit or model in their path .
6 Yucca elephantipes stands out from the common herd with care
7 Steps led up from the stone paving to a wide veranda , which was adorned with hanging plants and tubs full of flowers .
8 Many gardeners believe that an informal pool should be planted liberally , with waterlilies obscuring areas of the water surface , and reeds and rushes tumbling in from the garden .
9 Good insights into the darker side of Hergé 's career , but the lack of illustrations from the Tintin books cries out from every page
10 The eyes gazed out from the screen .
11 This may sound harsh , but it seems to me that when we lost our empire our eyes came down from the horizon and looked at our feet .
12 The lads came up from the gill with buckets of water and stood a-row along the brink .
13 Tolonen stared at him a moment , nodding , his lips pressed tightly together , his earnest grey eyes looking out from a face carved like granite .
14 A door opened and a light so bright and sudden it hurt their eyes spilled through from the back .
15 Most of the groceries came down from a grand shop in London but she 'd order perishable goods from her brother and then send a servant to complain of the quality .
16 Then one of the travelling craftsmen came out from the town and lined the cart , trap or wagon we happened to be making : that means he painted the finishing touches , the lines on the wheels and the panels .
17 A flight of steps leads up from the courtyard and there is entry also from the house end .
18 He left the car again , and saw something else on the other side of it — a pair of legs jutting out from the bushes nearby .
19 And there are steps going down from the drawing room , and up from the dining room .
20 The sea wall ended , steps going down from the promenade and burying themselves in sand .
21 Initially , he had much sympathy from the British trade union movement , funds pouring in from the mainland , including almost £pound94,000 collected by the Trades Union Congress .
22 The lines of the images stand out from the high quality Montval paper and are accompanied by a braille text .
23 Despite the opportunities opened out from the late eighteenth century by an expanding grain trade , a marked increase in the land available , and a steady rise in labour and money dues extracted from the peasantry , the nobility found it difficult to make ends meet .
24 There was a glimpse of dark , pain-filled eyes peering out from the folds of the red blankets .
25 Koreans flooded in from the new colony in search of work and livelihood .
26 These rings could be the result of surface waves spreading out from the impact through the solid surface , or the result of a succession of wall slumps in a once deeper basin .
27 The Pakistani authorities banned the proposed protest on Feb. 6 , and on Feb. 7 deployed 40,000 security personnel along the border and blockaded roads in and out of the Azad Kashmir capital of Muzaffarabad ; nevertheless , 7,000 JKLF supporters set off from the city on Feb. 11 .
28 Behind him , two men in long overcoats stepped out from the shadow of a doorway and watched the young man turn to the left again , heading up the main backstreet that led to Joseph Hyde 's flat .
29 Three sets of lights later , they came into the town centre , a wide boulevard that sloped up a hill with the shops and offices set back from the pavement .
30 Bush Vark 's First Day Out by Charles Fuge ( MacMillan , £6.95 ) Winner of The Mother Goose Award and the MacMillan Prize 1988 Three pairs of creaturely eyes stare out from the deep black inside covers of Bush Vark 's First Day Out , whetting young appetites for nocturnal mystery and the pleasurable horrors encountered by Charles Fuge 's cheery little vark , with his slippery passivity and plain good fortune .
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