Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She made it clear that she wished their relationship to continue , but could nor tolerate Charles 's violent outbursts .
2 She would cook them all a good breakfast and make it clear that she expected them to be at the table on time .
3 O'Keeffe made it clear that she defined her art strictly as self-expression and indicated that she had first begun her formal training at the Art Institute of Chicago .
4 And er , it went wrong so she took her daughter 's out of her bedroom and using hers and when our John came down she were telling about it so he said oh I 'll take it this Sunday and I 'll fix it for you , of course with John working away he took the television
5 She felt a deep , sensual pleasure as she held his leaping , quivering manhood in check , but the heat of him was so dangerously exciting that she arched herself in mute supplication , begging him to give her the release that her body craved .
6 It is perhaps interesting that she gave her forwarding address in America as 83 Brattle Street which was , in fact , where Emily Hale lived .
7 Rejection was so icily painful that she caught her breath .
8 She wished she could confide in Ella , but it was far too risky and she knew she would feel worse if anyone in the house knew about the baby .
9 It was risky and she knew it .
10 He apologised for the damp and she shook her head .
11 But , when she suddenly discovered an urgent desire to know his name , she knew that she would only end up feeling foolish if she asked him what it was in this moment of parting .
12 And then suddenly he did stop and she was all sticky and messy and she thought he would speak to her now and comfort her or beg her in his whisper to kiss him , as he had done under the bridge the other nights they 'd met .
13 Because one of the typewriters is broken and she blamed it on me .
14 Even at that early stage in her career , Roddick knew she was different and she cultivated it .
15 Her reply was crisp and she held his gaze , letting him see her anger .
16 Rosita was a bit old but she kept her body in good condition and the men liked her the best .
17 She wore jeans and a sweatshirt that night — and then felt foolish because she knew he would realise instantly why she was covering herself from head to toe .
18 She sipped absently , so desperate to remember who she was and how she came to be here that the mug was empty before she realised it .
19 Even so , in her darkest moments , wrong as she knew it to be , Constance could not stop herself thinking , If only it had been Mummy .
20 That much was clear as she struck his hand away .
21 She was very calm when she rang me from the hospital asking for her mourning clothes .
22 I must have looked embarrassed when she handed it over because they both turned their backs while I slipped my old dress off and slipped the new one on .
23 I am a 39-year-old man weighing 11 stone and I was trying to cuddle my nine year old when she picked me up and threw me across the room .
24 The flat seemed cold and empty when she let herself in several hours later , and discovering a message from Kelly on the answering-machine brought no respite from the depression which had settled over her like a heavy black cloud .
25 His eyes were so alive that she felt she was looking straight into the source of his pleasure — he was the sort of man who thrived on challenge and went out to meet it head-on .
26 But the assistant on the show got so pissed that she put her head on his lap , after which he got up and walked off in the middle of the programme . ’
27 He was dead to the world , so deeply asleep that she wondered what on earth he could have been doing half the night .
28 During the next few days , Cassie was immeasurably grateful that she had her work .
29 It was in vain that she told herself he was a stranger , a man who had probably by now forgotten her .
30 Her own awareness of him was so strong that she felt she could have tracked him anywhere , just by the dizzying sensation of his presence .
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